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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. Numbering can be easily adjusted on the Schedule just by dragging the rows around, I understand it's not automated by any means but it doesn't take much time or effort.


    Maybe some day we'll get a more general "schedule from selected" feature, but for now we'll work with what we got.

  2. It sounds like you're looking for a "create schedule for selected objects" feature, which doesn't exist. At least not for general objects. The thing that can do exactly that is Notes. But it means you would have to place a text Note on or near each item you want to add to said schedule, manually add the Text for that object, then create a Note schedule that then references that note.

    Here's a video that shows them in action: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/91/using-notes-note-schedules.html

    Not exactly what you seem to be after but it's what we have to work with.

  3. you can't "split" them, just reshape one to a winder shape, draw another and reshape it to fit.

    You could also select the one that's there and press Copy/Paste in the edit toolbar at the bottom, then click Paste Hold Position, giving you two square landings in the same place, then just use the edit handles to reshape them both appropriately.



  4. 11 minutes ago, GrizzlyBear said:

    However when trying the same thing in Dimension plan view it showed up on Post Layout View.

    It looks like you got it, you just need to make sure the respective Layer Sets are only showing what they need to show for that view.


    Foundation dims are on in both, Plan dims on in both, Post Layout view is the only one set to show only the relevant dimensions.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Both Foundation Dimension Defaults and Post Layout Dimension Defaults are set to use the same Dimensions, Plan layer.

    You'll want to create separate layers for each to really separate them.


    Same with your Text defaults, they're both using the generic "Text" layer.

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  6. If I'm reading all this right, what it sounds, and looks like in that picture, is that dropbox is just not syncing that file. So when you save it to drop box, you can open it and it's fine, but it doesn't show up online, and other people either don't see it or see an older version?

    This has got to be a Dropbox issue, not a Chief Architect issue.

    I would try not opening the file directly from the dropbox folder. Copy it somewhere on your computer, open it, work, save it, then copy that to Dropbox.

    I don't use Dropbox specifically, but all cloud backup type programs have to wait until a file is unused before it can sync it, so as long as you're messing with it, it'll just never happen. Apart from that maybe there's a way to trigger it to upload? that I'm not sure about. But I would try to use Dropbox as more of a manual backup/share situation, and avoid saving/loading directly from that location.

  7. There's been other posts on this sort of topic, and you'll get a few different options from different people here, since there are several techniques that are personally preferred and or are fairly situational.


    You can simply create the pool house with a floor -12' from the plan's origins and keep the two structures together. This makes planning Terrain and keeping dimensions all consistent, etc.  But if there's significant differences in plan Defaults, it can be helpful to draw them in separate plans.


    The seemingly unpopular feature that I personally like it the ability to draw two entirely different plans, then use Reference Display to join them together. There are Offsets with the reference display that allow you to shift the referenced plan, rotate it, even change its elevation.  It's not a perfect tool, though, the biggest downside is that you have to set it on every view necessary.


    Another technique some might suggest is still creating two separate plans, but then for 3D Views you can convert one structure into a 3D Symbol and just plop it into the other plan.

  8. Wow!  I'd guess that model has something off to the side that's causing it to behave like this. Maybe some origin marker or something.

    I'd say the model needs fixing, because that'll fix both of these issues. I don't think there's any way to force the Preview to behave differently. But aside from that the Bounding Box should be editable on the Advanced Sizing panel, you'll likely have to put in a lot of negative values. It'll help to have the Show Bounding Box preview option on.

  9. Yeah. I totally get that.


    Interesting issue I can't say I've encountered before.

    I pulled your Beams away and the original Framing dimension followed it like I'd expect, but when drawing new angular dimensions I see two things happening:

    1) I can still draw a dimension to the "center" of where the beam WAS - which appears to be the railing above, even though it's not displayed AND the dimension defaults are set not to even locate walls.


    2) as long as they're away from those hidden railings, a new angular dimension does attach to the sides as expected.


    Kind of a pain but you can pull those beams out, dimension them, them center-align them back into position.


    Also, are you aware that those railings on Floor 1 that these dimensions are snapping to are uh, for lack of a better term, subterranean?


  10. I've played with this a bit in the past and as I recall I wasn't entirely satisfied with the results. glancing again at the object properties for Walls, they certainly have a simple %length% value to pull, and they do have area, but it's more complex, like upper-layers.0.area - which means if you're dealing with pony walls then you're in for a headache if you're not familiar with Ruby and writing your own text macros. That and I seem to recall the way that macro calculates Area is a little different than how the Materials List does.


    My honest answer is just to make adjustments to the plan so that the Materials List calculates correctly for you.

    Keep in mind that you can tell the Materials List what to calculate by way of Layer Set, so you can quickly omit things like Attic Walls.

    I know it's not the answer you're looking for but there's something to be said for having an accurate model that generates an accurate list of materials.

    Of course, that being said Materials Lists are still often exported and tweaked externally anyway.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 2 hours ago, NAD4091 said:

    I hope this question makes sense. 

    I don't know that it does.

    2 hours ago, NAD4091 said:

    it messes up all my interior ceilings.

    How so? Can you post screenshots? And how exactly are you building this roof plane? Auto roofs? Manually drawn?

    Slapping on a simple roof plane should be relatively simple and low-impact, so I'm not sure you'll get a good answer without knowing more specifics.

  12. I don't know why you'd want a landing, why not just Build New Floor?

    As long as Roof planes are not set to auto rebuild, you'll just get a new floor structure and a new Floor 2 to use.

    The only difference with an A-Frame type structure is your side walls don't need to exist, so just mark them invisible and move them in so you don't get floor platform sticking out of your roof planes.

    • Like 1
  13. 15 hours ago, ValleyGuy said:

    Mine appear to have white backgrounds in the file thumbnails, but have a darker gray/brown background in preview mode.

    FYI/FWIW, they have transparent backgrounds, you'll see it better if you change color themes in Chief, or if you go Dark Mode, half your icons disappear (lots of Chief icons are simple black lines/pictures).

  14. MacOS doesn't work the way Windows does, programs don't install into a folder structure that you browse around. Instead they're just self-contained programs.

    If you go to your Applications list and find Chief Architect, you should be able to Right-click or Option-click there's an option to access its contents.

    Once in there, it'll be similar, you should see a resources\buttons folder.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 8 minutes ago, Joe_Carrick said:

    %box_scale% has been in the program for at least 15 years.

    Well, I would assume you'd know better than most! I stand humbly corrected.

    I must have been conflating the relatively new Layout label "Use Callout" option which uses %box_scale%.

    Maybe time for another cup o' tea...

  16. I stand corrected!! It's just a weird issue with that dialog being too tall


    (this^ is X15) (*I just happened to have X13 open from another post)


    Just shrink that window as short as it can go and you should be good.

  17. As @DBCoopersaid before, yes %scale% will adjust as you zoom, but it will print what the printed scale is.

    Just ignore that it looks wrong on the Layout, once its printed it should be right.


    %box_scale% will always report the scale of the layout box itself, but I think that was a recent addition, I don't think X13 has that.


  18. 12 minutes ago, JMJSRLLC0320 said:

    What's weird is that it automatically imports the library like it's not a fresh clean install.

    Libraries don't get removed when the program is uninstalled, so it'll just pick them up automatically like that.


    13 minutes ago, JMJSRLLC0320 said:

    in the working plan view, regardless of the object I pick, wall, window, door line etc. nothing works.

    Ok, starting off simple: you're saying the Move check box is greyed out, so you're unable to use any of the Deltas?

    Or, by chance, did you just not check Move first?