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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. Can you expand on what you mean by "removing" the walls? Is the terrain overall too high and making the walls sunk into the ground? Is the terrain generating low where it should be but building up and covering the walls in a weird way? Maybe post a screenshot of what you're getting.

  2. 2 hours ago, JKEdmo said:

    Break the railings into separate lengths

    This is the way.


    The issue you'll likely start screaming about though is the "auto merge collinear walls" setting that kicks on the second you look at your railings wrong. It's in General Wall Defaults. I generally leave it on but sometimes there's a plan that I really need it to stop "helping".

  3. It looks like those walls are set to be solid railing walls? That will happen when doors are placed in railings. If that's the case, try unchecking Railing on those walls, let the room's Ceiling height set the wall heights.

  4. 2 hours ago, KilianDrafting said:

    I did realize when using this to "select all similar" that the bay window area shows as a room even though I can't select it as such with the tab key.

    Huh, guess I'd never noticed it did that. It makes sense that the Bay Window is making it's own room, if you Explode the bay that's exactly what you'll have. Weird that Select Similar is able to select it when we can't, though. Seems the Select All option isn't ideal then if there are Bay, Box, or Bow windows present, would need to just do the normal Marquee Select and be careful to avoid those.

  5. For what it's worth, Doug's fix worked because defining it as a specific room type forces Roof Over This Room to be checked. Our fixes were essentially the same.

    It's worth remembering that Roof Over This Room is not just for auto roof plane generation, it needs to be on for proper roof supporting structural walls to generate.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Are these framed walls on Floor 1 marked as Foundation in order to build footings?

    If so, uncheck the Foundation setting on those walls. Instead, on the Structure panel check Bearing Wall / Create Wall/Footing Below.

    If you don't have a Foundation floor, you'll need to build one.


    These footings will still generate wrong around corners


    But the wall/footing can be adjusted on Floor 0 independently of the walls on Floor 1.


  7. Been bit by this one before, myself. It seems counter intuitive since you drew your roof planes manually, but you'll want to check Roof Over This Room in that room, otherwise Attic walls won't generate automatically to fill those spaces.

  8. 19 hours ago, IvanCyr said:

    A Materials List calculated from a room is created for only the contents of that room

    You just need to make a Materials List Polyline that's bigger than the "room" so that it includes the drywall.

    Try making a Living Area Polyline then converting that to a Materials List Polyline.


    *Edit: excuse me, "Standard Area Polyline"


  9. 13 minutes ago, PIR-Designs said:

    What base cabinet drawer did you use to put the rev-a-shelf in?

    You should be replacing the whole drawer with the rev-a-shelf object.

    CA has an article on this https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03142/replacing-a-cabinet-s-standard-shelves-with-rollout-shelves-or-drawers.html though they do it to a Door not a Drawer, it's the same steps though.

  10. 8 minutes ago, VHampton said:

    Thankfully it's become easier to rectify by holding the shift key after selecting one room.


    Then you can click, click, click and get every room to highlight.


    Turn on room labels all at once with the opened dialogue box for that one room. 


    Much faster to select a room and just use Marquee Select, Select All.




  11. Kind of. Terrain Features are what you'd use to apply different materials to terrain but they don't exactly play nicely with roads, because roads cut down into the terrain Driveway and Sidewalk tools should work fine though since they build up from the terrain. The Subtraction tool works with roads/driveways though, which makes shaping terrain features around your roads much easier.

  12. Can't see how a new computer would affect that, but check the dimension defaults, Locate Manual and Locate End to End, specifically. If they're not set to locate things, they won't. I'd wonder what Dimension Default you're using, too, since they'll behave different depending on view. It'd be pretty surprising if you experienced this same thing in all views.

  13. "Main Layer" refers to the wall layers as per the walls type definitions. Important thing to look up and learn, but while that CAN be changed in the way you described, you really don't want to. To do what you're asking, just change the General Wall Default to resize about the outside surface instead of the main layer. you'll see that when that's set to the outer surface, when you draw a wall it'll draw from that edge, the wall layers building inward (if you draw your walls clockwise). Likewise if you're working with purely interior dimensions you can set that to draw from the inside surface to make the walls build out from that edge.

  14. No, the cursor won't visibly snap to the grid, objects drawn/placed will though. So, the same end result.


    Walls by default draw based on the "Main Layer Outside" (ext Framing, typically). You can change this in your Default Settings, Wall Defaults, General Wall Defaults.

  15. 2 hours ago, Chopsaw said:

    It will stretch but always keeps it's basic geometry.

    Safer to say it will TRY to keep it's geometry. But I think it's a little more complicated than that though.

    Looking at those panels in the library, that first panel is exactly 4' wide, so you would expect it to be a single panel at 4' and a double somewhere between 4' and 8', which it does. However at 12' when you might expect 3 panels we revert back to only 2 because the default newel spacing of 96" kicks in and creates another post in the middle, which in turn shortens the length of the panels between these three posts, under the threshold where it would need more than one per rail section. Lengthen it even more and it breaks the threshold again and we get 4 panels, two between the three newels.


  16. 24 minutes ago, cbucks said:

    Is it best for me to make the road 0 and the higher point +75' or 0' the top where it is relatively flat and -75' for the road or does it matter?

    Doesn't matter at all. going from 0 up 75' is the same interpolation as -75' up to 0. Just be consistent and you'll be fine.


    24 minutes ago, cbucks said:

    Should terrain elevation data always be on floor 0?

    Doesn't *technically* matter, it can be on floor 3 if you really want! I prefer it on 0 myself though because of the option that cuts a hole in the terrain where the structure is. I much prefer that hole to be made around my foundation than floor 1 walls. Floor 1 tends to cut more than it should and leaves gaps because of wall siding.

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