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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. 5 minutes ago, westvale said:

    Is there a way to get rid of this?

    Just by not using Tech Illustration.


    That glare is an effect of that rendering technique, you'll see it way more pronounced if you change your Warm color to something darker.



    You'll also notice that its location is relative to the viewport, as you pan the view around you'll see that it stays where it is on the screen as the model moves around. You can pan the view down away from the glare, but sadly when its sent to Layout it doesn't respect that positioning.

    I don't think there's any way to change that. Probably just change to Vector View, or learn to live with the glare.



  2. There's nothing I know if in CA that controls that. What's the mouse? Is there some special software for it? it might be mapped to some other control other than the typical MiddleMouse action.

  3. Can't really lock an object's size, when you move something using dimensions just be aware that exactly what you're describing is the intended functionality. 

    But if you "group select" a single object (hold shift then click), then the whole thing is affected by that move. Temporary Dimensions sometimes don't generate the way you need them to though, so you'll likely need to manually put in your own dimensions.

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  4. Text likes to align Right and Down. So even if you try to get fancy with a ► character or something, you'll still see something like


    Best off the cuff solution would be to create two line styles, use Disconnect Selected Edge and alternate styles as needed:



  5. Not using Defaults. Doing exactly what you said. Open roof plane and set it to a new layer with a different color, red.


    Roof lines turn red. Good.


    Then go to Label and set it to a new layer with a different color, green.

    Label Text turns green. Good.


    Yet the Arrow Line color is still blue.


    The Arrow head and Fill can be changed, of course


    but the Arrow Line color remains locked to the original "Roofs, Labels" layer color.


    This is shown to be the case when the "Roofs, Labels" layer's color is changed, changing all the Label arrows


  6. 1 hour ago, SNestor said:

    Not a "Glitch" at all...

    I'm not so sure. I emulated this same setup @Larry_Sweeney outlined above and I'm also seeing this issue.

    (But it's not the "Roofs, Labels" layer its pulling from, not "Rooms, Labels", mistype?)


    Auto Roofs disabled.

    Opened and set roof planes to a copied "Roof Planes, 1" layer, set it Red.

    Set roof plane labels to a copied "Roofs, Labels, 1", set it Red.

    Roof polylines and Label text are Red, but Arrow lines are blue.



    change "Roofs, Labels" to green...



    @SNestoreven if your screenshot you seem to be showing the same issue:


  7. Ah. At first that's what I thought you meant, but thought that surely can't be it because you can't re-order THOSE!


    But hey, lookit that. That's wild. I don't see any way that could have happened. Is it only in the Reference dialog or is it also like that in the Layer Display / ALDO?


    1 hour ago, HumbleChief said:

    I sent the issue into tech and they could duplicate the issue

    Hopefully this means they sent it up the ladder to get fixed. X16 is Beta after all!

  8. I think all answers depend on what you deem "easily".

    BUT! Assuming they're both the same size sheet, we can assume that the origins of the sheets should be the same. I'd hope.

    If that's the case, you can Copy and Paste/Hold Position anything between these two layouts and they'll be in the same spot on both files.

    Depending on the differences in the layouts, you may consider copying the new Layout page 0 data to your file, or copying your layout's Layout Boxes etc to this new template.

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  9. Negative, there is no renaming floor numbers in the programs interface. Rely instead on how you label the printed pages on your Layout page rather than what the program is saying the floors technically are. No one's going to see the Floor number in the program but you.

  10. Not if it's in the Library Browser, that's the whole point of saving Line Styles and Walls and Moldings, etc etc, is that they don't need to exist in the plan. you just Select that Library object and then click and drag on the plan to create that object. Once you do that, that Wall Type exists as part of that plan.


    I just tested it, made a Siding-6 with two layers of siding, add to Library, open New Plan, grabbed it in my library and drew out a wall using that new definition.

    There's no Import process, you just use it.

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