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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. Frustratingly, no.

    When you use the Object Eyedropper, hit the Select Properties to Paint button in the lower left to see all the things that can be picked up and applied onto other objects. Railing walls have the "is railing" setting but none of the newel or baluster settings that would be needed.

  2. The roof is building at the height of the Room, not the wall.


    Your walls have been modified in camera/elevation views to be a certain height, which isn't a great way to go about it.


    Set your ceiling heights and let your room tell the walls where to build.


    But for starters, Edit -> Reset to Defaults


    Fix the issue, then set your rooms' heights, then build roof planes.

  3. 16 minutes ago, DBCooper said:

    Select the electrical connection.  Use the "open object" tool.  In the dialog, go to the "line style" page.

    @EllaFioletova As you can probably assume, this is a manual process. You have to draw out all your connections, select the ones you want to set to a different layer, open them and manually change the layer they're on. Super frustrating that there's no defaults for the electrical connections. Sure would make this type of thing loads easier.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, robdyck said:

    @TeaTime Oh, I thought about that! For future detailing, I think perhaps Jim should just get in the habit of using polylines:)

    Oh for sure, I rarely use Boxes myself, esp since you can keep a polyline rectangular by right-click dragging it's corners, there's no huge benefit to using Boxes aside from their special box styles, but those are pretty specific uses.

  5. 3 minutes ago, robdyck said:

    This won't work in a CAD detail though!

    True, But you can copy it to plan view and back again. Paste In Place Hold Position will remember it's location from Detail to Plan and back again.

  6. Be sure to check the Wall Type> Define as well as the Materials panel. Walls can be defined with one material but display an entirely different one. Its best if the Material panel says "Default". for each side.

  7. 15 hours ago, Renerabbitt said:

    You can't..that's how, was wondering why you chose to clip the screen. An Arch Block is not two sinks in one cab.

    Oh come now! I'm many things but a con-man I am not!


    12 hours ago, rgardner said:

    2 sinks made into a single sink symbol.

    Bingo - a technicality, perhaps, but it works.

  8. 18 minutes ago, solver said:

    Open Help, search girt.

    Unless: "CA X6, X10, X11"


    @madcowscarnival if this^ is accurate, you'll just need to upgrade to automate this. Horizontal framing was only introduced the last year or so.

  9. 31 minutes ago, DHerb2014 said:

    I tried your idea. It works until I remove the "Text Above Line". See screen shots 1 thru 5

    I think when you're removing the Text Above Line column, it's reverting back to sorting by Text.

    Re-add that column, sort by it, then uncheck Auto Sort, THEN remove the Text Above column.

  10. @Renerabbitt ya know, you're right. I think maybe we're both right. His screenshots show they are certainly sorted by text, first one descending the others ascending. However the only way the numbers are messed up as a result is if the Text Above was manually entered. The problem is that you can't sort by the "2D Symbol" column, which is reporting the Text Above value.


    However, @DHerb2014, I think if you add the Text Above column then sort it by that column, you should then be able to remove that column and I think that should keep it reordered in the way you want.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Just now, Renerabbitt said:

    he's using the sort-by method I show above..and needs to uncheck it

    I don't think he is though, even when Sorting by Text, the numbers should automatically reorder themselves, unless there's something I'm missing, 'cause that's what I'm seeing.

  12. 1 minute ago, Renerabbitt said:

    we can renumber, which would also re-sort as well as renumber:

    That's different though, that just re-adds missing numbers if things have been deleted.


    I'm actually a bit confused how it got mixed up in the first place since chief auto orders the numbers.

    When you open the Notes, is the Text Above Line set to the default %simple_schedule_number%? Or did you enter your own numbers?

  13. Unfortunately there's no quick-sort option, but you might try creating a new schedule. To Avoid deleting and reconfiguring it, if you just copy and paste this schedule it'll create a new one with new sorting, I believe based on the original placement order of those notes, and you'll likely get double numbers (1,2  3,2  etc) on both schedules. But if the new schedule looks like what you want, delete the original schedule and move on. If not, I'm not sure there's a better way of sorting them apart from manually dragging rows.

  14. I believe that comes from the scheduled objects themselves.

    Find the associated objects (countertops or cabinets) and check the Label panel associated. The Text Style it's using should be setting that size.

    So if the countertops listed here were generated from cabinets, check the Cabinets, Labels layer, if they're custom counters, check Polylines 3D, Labels

  15. Used Edit Area to select the stuff off-site, flipped it 180°, drew CAD Line down and another over, from relative corners to find the distance in both directions:

    X: 4923 77/128"

    Y: 1842 23/64"


    Transform Replicate.




    You're gonna have to rip out and redo the electrical connections though. They're... not well.

    And your dimensions need some gentle massaging, but it's not a complete loss of time.


    Edit: I did the transform on the All Layers ON set, with all layers actually turned on -- except Electrical Connections and Dimensions. Best not to move those, just adjust them after.