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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. If the foundation rebuild didn't fix it, it's probably the Floor 1 walls or floor structure. We'd probably need you to post the plan to look into what's really happening though. it could be an issue with the wall definitions, maybe framing, it's hard to say for sure with just a picture.

  2. 54 minutes ago, livninavl said:

    I am going to have to frame a sloped roof above that area in the field, which would offset some the closet wall on the second floor, to insure code compliance.  I was hoping the Auto Stairwell tool would accomplish that task.  Any thoughts on how to accomplish that?

    All Auto Stairwell does is create an Open Below room above the selected stairs, typically outlined with Railings. So it sounds like custom ceiling plane would be the way to go.


    24 minutes ago, livninavl said:

    As for my issue needing the sloped ceiling above the first set, I have tried using the ceiling plane tool, but when I look at the framing their is no change.

    Looks like Floor/Ceiling framing is not set to auto rebuild, and the Ceiling Joists layer isn't on in section views so you won't see it building.


    I'd suggest taking an elevation view and using some CAD Lines or points to find the appropriate heights to plug into the ceiling plane.

  3. You don't need to use that tool here.

    Simply open that "Down" room and set it's room type to Open Below.


    If I were to assume though, it's probably failing because the walls are not lined up correctly on Floor 2.




    Also, for the Bonus Round, the error message that keeps coming up, assuming you haven't suppressed it, is telling you that you need yo break your landing.


    Just use the Add Break tool to put a break in the middle so that each stair has a dedicated edge to connect to. They won't properly connect otherwise.

  4. Pretty sure that hasn't changed (much) since X11, but you're only showing the Floor/Ceiling Platform defaults. This is a good place to start, but you also need to make sure that the Floor defaults are set to follow these defaults, and the rooms to follow floors. Framing defaults trickle down, Platform > Floors > Rooms, so it won't matter what the Platform Defaults are if the floors aren't following those defaults, or likewise if the rooms aren't following the Floor defaults.


    As always, if you still can't figure it out, post the plan file.

    • Upvote 1
  5. In case you haven't already, there's a separate forum for Home Designer that you might check (https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/)


    Also I would check to make sure the wall tops are set to follow their default heights, it looks like they may have been pulled up to that height and aren't being cut by the roof like they should be.

    Check out https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00579/controlling-wall-floor-and-ceiling-heights.html, scroll down to the "To change the height of a single wall" and "To reset heights" bits.

  6. If you use the Pony Wall setting you can control the height of the wall cap via Elevation / Height Off Floor controls


    And not that you should need it, but it also changes how wall caps behave, giving them a vertical offset, too.


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  7. Referencing works well, but is not ideal in all situations.


    Another option would be to create a new Layer Set that displays all of the site layers only, as well as Wall layers, but locked have those Locked. This way you can just Select All and manipulate as needed, when needed.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Cadwork22 said:

    I pulled the wall up above the roof

    yeah, generally speaking, don't do this. Walls know where they're supposed to go, let them do their thing and you'll be better off. I only ever adjust walls in 3D/Section views if nothing else seems to work, but don't make a habit of it.

  9. There's a couple things that could be happening here, but walls should never stick through roof planes like that, they should automatically cut down to fit under the roof. I  would assume that in your attempts to get this to work, you've manually pulled the tops of your walls up to the desired height, locking them at that height. Open your walls and look at the Structure panel, make sure that Default Wall Top is checked.

  10. 2 hours ago, Michael_Gia said:

    Why not just define one giant wall? 

    Pretty sure if you created it the way he intends, (2x6, air gap, 2x4), the return on the right where it reduces into a normal 2x6 framed wall is gonna be funky.

    Doug's furred wall w/ air gap is likely to build and frame the cleanest.

  11. When things aren't showing up, the first thing to look at is layers. Elevation views have their own layer set, so things may appear differently than in other views., and since they show in 3D but not elevation I assume this is the issue. Open an elevation and make sure both the Foundation and the Walls, Foundation layers are on.

  12. Sounds like you just need to find where they'd intersect at those distances. I'd use Circle About Center, 10'6" from one 4'10" from the other, draw lines to the intersection to mark the angles. Use Make Parallel/Perpendicular to set the walls to said angles, then Point to Point Move them into position.



    Not sure exactly what angles you're aiming for but CAD Lines, Make Parallel/Perpendicular and angular dimensions are great for finding how far to rotate the other portion of your drawing.



  13. Would need to know more about these rooms to say for sure.  Also might help to know what version of the software you're using.

    Fairly certain though that it just automatically places the right type of outlets for type of room you're placing them in. For example, Deck rooms are treated like outside rooms and get outside outlets, and if your rooms are not properly defined at all (like, you can't select the room) then their walls are treated as exterior walls.


    Post the plan here if you're not able to sort it out.

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