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Posts posted by TeaTime

  1. X14 introduced a cool way to copy materials using the Material Painter that might make quick work of this sort of thing in the future, too.

    In a 3D view choose the Material Eyedropper and click on Drywall, and at the bottom there's a new "Copy Selected Material" option.

    It'll open a Drywall_2 material, name it, edit it, etc., then hit OK, change the painting Scope to "Floor" and paint the Drywall.

  2. 2 minutes ago, DRyeHD said:

    If you have a way of arranging them so this doesn't happen, I'd like to hear about it.

    Sadly there's no great way simply because Schedules always naturally build downward, so if you stack them on top of one another they'll eventually overrun eachother. Laying them out horizontally is kind of the only answer there, and thankfully they adhere to their set Width so whatever notes you eventually add will only grow them downward, so whatever Layout Boxes you have setup will be good width-wise. Of course depending on how many schedules you have that doesn't make viewing them very easy, but it does guarantee they won't turn into a mess.


    And since you're sending one schedule per page, you can Send to Layout a big long tall strip of the CAD detail page with a single scheduled at the very top and save that in your template so that when the schedules fill out, it should just all show naturally.

    Using Ryan's tip of relinking, you should be able to effectively pre-send all your notes onto whatever appropriate page and once the layout is linked to the plan, they should just fill in.

    The only thing this can't address is if you want a Note Schedule on the bottom of a layout page, you'll just have to manually adjust those as they grow, no way around that.

  3. 30 minutes ago, ACADuser said:

    On the 1st floor I want to use "Dens-Glass" in place of Drywall for room schedule.

    How do I add that to the plan or rename Green board so mu schedule display correctly?


    The fastest way is not to swap Drywall, just redefine it.
    Under 3D> Materials> Plan Materials, locate Drywall, Edit it and change it's name, color, Materials List properties if it needs to be calculated differently, etc.



    Then all Drywall will be Dens-glass.




    If you need to mix and match for Walls v Ceiling or different rooms, then you'd need to specifically redefine your wall layers.


  4. 1 hour ago, heidistokoe said:

    @misterwiley Ok I was able to do that but now all my text and dimensions are messed up?

    X10 huh...

    Open Defaults Settings> Text, Callouts and Markers> Text Styles, select Room Label Style press Edit and make sure Rotate with Plan is checked.

    Without that checked, text will always be relative to the screen, not the plan view/layout box.

  5. 5 minutes ago, HomeDesign724 said:

    such as if there's R30 insulation in the walls, if the outside has vinyl siding/brick.etc, the rafter & joist size, floor to ceiling heights, etc

    These sorts of details are specified in the Wall Types, Floor/Ceiling defaults, Roof defaults, etc. So as you draw our your building it will build with all of these settings inherently present.

    9 minutes ago, HomeDesign724 said:

    My boss doesn't want to switch over to Chief if we can't figure out how to auto generate the cross sections & details to his specifications

    The closest thing to automatically creating CAD Details is the "Auto Detail" feature available when in an Elevation/Section view. It will automatically create CAD elements such as Insulation blocks, concrete fills, framing cross boxes.

    Here's a video on the topic: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/46/adding-detail-to-cross-section-views.html

  6. I don't believe there's a good way to make this happen exactly in the way that you want, specifically having it fully dynamic.


    A Back Clipped Cross Section is probably your best bet in creating the view itself.

    The problem is though any dimension you pull is dimensioning to "Cross Section Lines", not the actual cabinet elements themselves, so they'll be created as Point to Point dimensions.


    Meaning if the shelf config changes, the dimensions will need to be manually adjusted.


  7. 43 minutes ago, solver said:


    Draw a Room Divider wall. Uncheck Invisible. Place windows/doors.

    This will inherently add them to your schedule though and you'll have to take extra steps to remove them.


    If you're already putting your Door and Window schedules on a CAD Detail page (I hope you are!) just zoom into the elevation pic on the Schedule and send Current Screen to layout, crop as needed, open the Layout Box and set it's Label. Voila.


    1 hour ago, HarrisReno said:

    there are several material samples shown below the bathroom rendering

    Placing "3D Solids" in plan by simply clicking, instead of clicking and dragging, creates a simple 48x48x1 pad of concrete. You could resize them smaller if needed of course. Simply lay out a few and paint them accordingly, set a camera to a good angle... The text above is totally separate, probably also from a CAD Detail page.


    1 hour ago, HarrisReno said:

    the vanity as a stand alone image

    I'd probably just copy/paste to a blank plan -- technically you could get super crafty with layers and layer sets but it'd be a waste of time.

    • Downvote 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, SHCanada2 said:

    there was not a no transfer rule.


    You're right, it wasn't a "no cookie policy" it was "You can help yourself to the cookies only if you do the dishes and take out the garbage"

    Now it's "You may not help yourself to the cookies. However if the dishes are done and the garbage gets taken out, you may have cookies."

  9. 43 minutes ago, SHCanada2 said:

    If a company for years permits transfers, that is a defacto policy by CA, and now they are changing it.

    True, it's like if a child's parents had a "no soda" rule but regularly said "Well you're not supposed to, but okay", then seemingly out of the blue they said "No, you know the rules." it would feel very unfair. But it is technically the rule and its theirs to enforce. Just like its their pricing structure, or licensing process, or...

  10. 5 minutes ago, lbuttery said:

    in another thread Mick posted the older EULA

    Yes, and@richoffanposted the X3 and X14 EULAs too.

    "You may permanently transfer your license to another person or entity only upon written approval by Chief Architect, Inc. and according to the following terms and conditions:" 


    "This software is licensed to you, and only you. You may not sell, give, donate, rent, transfer, or share this license with any other person or entity. In some cases, certain licenses may be permanently transferred to another individual, but only under the terms and conditions of the then current Chief Architect License Transfer Request Form, and only if the requested license transfer is approved by Chief Architect, Inc."


    EULAs are written in legal terms and are almost intentionally confusing, we all know this. The latter is a much lengthier, much more clear version of the first.

    The single sentence in the X3 EULA was followed by NINE conditions. This implies to me that the intent was "while you can, there are hoops to jump through."

    The update is obviously to clarify what was intended to be communicated, and those nine conditions were removed and replaced with a more explicit paragraph.


    "You can do x but only if y" is the same as "You can't do x, except when y", just communicated differently. You can't just read the first sentence and stop there.


  11. 1 hour ago, solver said:


    to expand on that, draw a Rope Light across the bottom tread, it might take some fidgeting to get it at the exact right height, but once there, open the Stair and you'll see the rise/run of the treads


    using Tread Depth, # of Treads and Riser Height, the Transform Replicate can create the exact number of copies to the exact height and distance.


    it's not automatic by any means but its a lot better than drawing them all one by one!


    The thing that gets me from time to time though is that though my riser height is reported here as 6 3/4", that's being rounded.

    Pressing Number Style on that dialog and changing it to Decimal Inches, you'll see it's not exactly 6 3/4"! And if I want to be really exact, that's the actual distance I'd want to use in the Z delta.


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  12. 36 minutes ago, lbuttery said:

    I stated what CA told me on the change of policy

    and then the accusations, misrepresentations and general BS started

    The problem Lew is that you keep raising the alarms over this issue and, evidently, some people are tired of seeing it. But the point you seem unwilling to address in your repeated statements is that the policy hasn't changed, just some of the language around it. It's always been CA's discretion if--and if so, how--they allow transfers. It has never been clearly stated anywhere that License Transfers are explicitly allowed.

    Tightening up on how a policy is enforced is not a change in the policy itself. When local police start putting an emphasis on puling over speeders, they haven't suddenly changed traffic laws without telling you - and try arguing "well it wasn't a problem before!!" to the judge.

    • Upvote 6
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  13. To expand on what Glenn suggested, if moldings are specified in Floor or Room Defaults, then they're essentially part of the room.

    Select a room and press the Make Room Molding Polyline tool:


    This will allow you to either make a new Blank Molding polyline around the perimeter of that room OR convert an existing molding polyline defined in that room, converting it into a separate polyline that you can modify freely.


    • Upvote 1
  14. Revolve Object is an interesting tool. The key thing is that it operates off the Selected Edge, and circles don't really have one, or, maybe more correctly they ONLY have one, so they're ... finicky.

    Try drawing a Circle in an Elevation View, then using the Convert Curve To Polyline tool to break the circle into a series of smaller edges.


    Then convert to a 3D Solid.

    This allows a specific edge to be selected in order to revolve around.


    I added +1 to the Rotate About X axis in this example to get a nice outward curve (rotating a full 90 at that exact edge tends to allow surfaces to merge and, well it's not a very realistic bend anyway.)


  15. There are a few ways I've found to make this work:



    Option 1: Single standard L-Shaped corner cabinet.

    Box Constriction: Framed. Separation: 0".

    Delete Door/Drawer to leave single Opening.
    The problem with this is that chief leaves a 0" thick surface on the main face of the cabinet that you can't get rid of.

    If you can ignore it, GREAT!


    Option 2: This looks the best but took 5--yes, five--cabinets. All set to Framed / 0" Separation as well.

    Two 12" on the left and right with Right and Left sides respectively, set to None.

    Two 3" on the inside of the 12", their noses overlapping, both Left and Right side set to None - this is purely to create the full toe kick.

    One 21"x21 in the center, Right or Left set to none, depending on which way it's facing.



    Option 3: Same as Option 1, but set the Cabinet material to "Opening (No Material)", Custom Back set to Panel - Inset

    Of course this one only really works well if there's cabinets on either side, like in OPs photo.

    The big issue with this one though is that the face edge of the bottom separation uses the box material, so it looks like a 0" surface.

    To fix this you have to go to the Front/Sides/Back panel, select the Opening, click the Shelves Specify button, set it to Manual, add an additional Shelf, and set it's Spacing From Previous to 0. Which pulls shelf 1 down...

    Still probably faster than making 5 weird cabinets that all have to play nice together.


    It would sure be nice if they'd add the ability to just remove the stiles.