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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thanks Eric, way above my pay grade but appreciate the help as always...
  2. OK, please do not try this at home. Documents is computer specific and can be re-located to DropBox but Chief will still not see it because Chief defaults to where it defaults - period - and cannot/will not see any other location. Now if you're stupid enough to redirect your entire DropBox folder to my docs, then run out of disk space as you try and reverse the operation, you're pretty much stuck with a useless new Doc folder which may even cause some terminal problems if a user forgets that that folder contains their DropBox files. Chief still defaults to a Doc folder even though it's no longer visible in the explorer tree. Experiment over. Will click a couple more times as needed.
  3. Still a good idea but I don't think I can get DropBox to point at the My Documents/Chief folder? I should explore that....
  4. Good idea, just want to make sure it remains part of my DropBox folder and locations, not sure that location can be part of DB.
  5. See explanation above. Just want to set a custom Templates location as the default instead of Chief's default Documents>Chief Architect Premier X11 Data>Templates. Post title needs work?
  6. If I open Chief and select New Plan, it opens to my default Plan Template. If I select Templates>Save As Template I'm taken to Chief's default template folder under Documents>Chief Architect Premier X11 Data>Templates. I then need to navigate out of there to my custom Templates folder. I would like to set up my Template Folder as the default so I am taken there directly after choosing Templates>Save As Template. Can it be done?
  7. WHA!!! Had no idea, thank you thank you thank you.
  8. The dashed line looks like a demo wall in my wall type key and would like to customize it? Any way to do so? If I had my druthers I'd just like to see an open space, like a doorway?
  9. Focus is not a real strong human trait me thinks....What do you think? (trying to change the focus of this thread to focus. Let's see if it works)
  10. Just tried this yesterday with X11 and it opened a second instance of Chief but the Layout we were working in was not populated by any plan files I could discern so I got out of there as fast as I could. Had success before and probably will again but that was a little creepy/scary.
  11. Took a while to figure this out. Might help someone down the road. Any better methods out there?
  12. You could also create a note schedule showing wall types. Not a fan but doable. Also show Walls, labels with each type noted as a label.
  13. I hear that, same here, double ughh...that's why I'm posting, trying to avoid the pain....
  14. For me it's not worth the time because the bonehead kicks in far too early but I was challenged by the task. It's a sloping roof with a parapet, not a sloping floor, if that matters, and is doable by raising the roof plane to make room for the trusses, setting the structure of the roof to '0' and ballooning the framing through second floor. Also needed/wanted to show the slope of the roof for the section, the Truss manufacturer, and the builder. Did you try it? Maybe not as hard as I tend to make things?
  15. Interesting. With a floor truss the truss depth is determined by the floor depth above, makes sense. With a roof truss inset on the first floor the roof has to raised until a truss will draw or the height of the low side of the roof truss in this case 12". Raise the roof 12" and a truss will draw. There's a minimum where the ceiling and roof plane are too close together but don't know what that is... Also the second floor need the floors (has floor/no) deleted then all ballooned thru etc. Still never got all the views no ceiling on first floor. May be too simple for me but never really got it.
  16. Seems as though it "should work perfectly" and be that straight forward but I believe there are a few additional steps needed and perhaps it's because there's a roof not a floor truss? Need a 1/4 per foot roof not a floor truss. I got it done but never got the first floor ceiling to show, which might actually be the floor above?.
  17. Thanks. Roof truss as there is a 1/4 per foot slope on the errr roof.... Ended up figuring it out using the first floor roof truss and raising the roof to match the lowest point of the truss. Added second floor to rep the parapet walls. Never did get the ceiling to show on the first floor however. INSET_TRUSS_1.plan
  18. Yeah did the same thing, probably won't use it after I added it to the tool bar lol.
  19. Ah that makes sense as I almost never used it until today as I wanted to check on some 'floor' views.
  20. Is there a way to add it back to the child menu as it appears in X10?
  21. I did and found it as a separate icon instead of part of the Camera child tools as it's been in the past. Am I missing something? What are you seeing?
  22. ...instead of part of the child camera menu?