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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. There you go, another point - look out now that I know what points are.
  2. I just gave you a point too Michael because I just now figured out what points were!! Doh. Kinda like 'drinks on the house'! A point for everyone!!
  3. Sadly I can only give you one The cheering is deafening over here. Glenn would have never gotten that if he were at his computer.
  4. Curious, why would it matter what material type you chose for the exterior? Other than the stupid obvious that drywall won't weather that well. It should still build no matter the material yeah? And you need the floor framing to fill that gap me thinks.
  5. I believe that check is in the mail Hey wait, don't I get a prize for figuring out the 2 roofs?
  6. Build Floor Framing and make sure the joists rims etc. are turned on in your view.
  7. Thanks Greg but the plan is in early preliminary development. Lots of decisions still to be made on framing, structure, support, feasibilty etc. The OP was about the deck floor disappearing not the actual design or its feasibility. Still doesn't seem right that the floor would disappear but sure enough it does.
  8. Nope. Text in full; "It appears that once the roof plane below gets to the height of the floor above, the floor structure goes away. I found that if I recreate that roof plane with 2 planes, it works as it should. You should be able to correct the problem with the same alteration. I have attached an image of the change I made. The second roof plane is filled in red. I will submit this to our development team to look into."
  9. Heard from tech support and they suggested a second roof plane to solve the problem. Hope that helps someone else in the future.
  10. I'm wichoo on that Dennis - I'll post any answer I might get form Tech support.
  11. Always appreciate your feedback but even with corrected floor heights (which I did not mess around with) the problem remains. The 2 roof planes solves it but it took me by surprise. I did send the plan in to headquarters. I'll post what I find out. ..and THANK YOU everyone for all your help!!
  12. That's the trigger from my experience as well. Two roof planes solves it but....hope that will help someone in the future.
  13. That's the same solution I came up with. Thanks for posting and taking the time. Is this expected behavior in your world of Chief? Would you expect the height of the roof to effect the deck floor like this? Curious and thanks again.
  14. Scott, Good call and probably true with that plan. I diligently set all my defaults and worked things through using them to great advantage - then - they were all different. NOT making that up. I had 130" default floor heights when I had them set to 97". The upstairs had reverted to all kinds of strange numbers. There was a 69" room height and much weirdness. I went back through and redefined everything back to the original defaults, but the problem didn't change so I didn't think that was the problem. Plan with proper floor heights. DECK OVER ROOF.plan
  15. Thanks Scott, It seems like I've done this a thousand times with no problems, but I guess not exactly like this plan.
  16. was sure bugging me for an hour this morning. I ended up patching in a new roof plane and it looks fine in 3D. Might have to fix the framing.
  17. Nice Perry! I didn't use a deck because they always give me trouble. Did you notice it's all good except the one railing wall nearest the roof? The roof seems to kill that railing wall as well. Have you seen this behavior before? Is it expected? Not sure I've run into this exact behavior before. THANKS!!
  18. Never figured it out. Thanks Michael. I ended up scabbing on another roof plane to the original, with the original just short of where the deck disappeared.
  19. Yeah excellent suggestion but the behavior is the same with a new roof over that new room. I've attached a vid explaining the phenom and am truly stumped.
  20. Thanks Michael, Placed inv. walls and defined a room - same behavior. Tried re-building the roof, no change. Not sure I've ever come across this before.
  21. Tried it with a new plan and could get it to work. Can't figure this out.
  22. Should know this I think but can't get the upper deck/room to have a floor when over a roof below. Thanks. Plan here DECK OVER ROOF 1.plan
  23. ...but I think only from a 3D or elevation view and only if that poly line is a solid. Can't see how to copy fill from plan view. Would be a nice feature request.