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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. FYI - Tech says the marquee select modes do not work with Edit Area.
  2. I think this is a bug. Edit Area should NOT move CAD lines. I saw it happen as well, but only sometimes in certain cases - not right.
  3. Hey Glenn, It's behaving (badly) as if intersected objects is selected but if you look at the tool bar you can see the middle icon 'contained objects' is selected.
  4. Various ways to move houses and pl's/setbacks. Edit Area had a couple surprises that I wasn't aware of.
  5. See if this helps Keith, I went really quick and if you don't understand Anno and Layer Sets this may not help much but let me know if you don't get Anno/Layer Sets and I'll walk a little slower through another real simple example. The Anno/Layer Set technique is way more flexible than plan foot prints IMO. Don't forget you can lock layers as well in any layer set to keep things where you want them.
  6. You can use Anno Sets and Layer Sets to show just your site plan and current floor plan with as many layers and details as you need. Then when you enlarge the garage in the floor plan Anno/Layer Set just switch to the site plan Anno/Layer Set to see the effect. Sounds way more complex than it is in practice.
  7. Keith, You can create a CAD outline (won't be live) any time from any floor plan and paste into any site plan and move around to locate home(s) on the site plan.
  8. The only real upside I can find with the plan footprint is that 2 different dimension formats can be used. Decimal feet in the plan footprint CAD detail for complex site plans that need survey information, and fractional inches in the floor plan. When using floor plans Layer Sets Ref Sets etc. there is only one dimension format available. Both methods have a 'live' footprint but Anno/Layer Sets seems much more flexible but can't access 2 dimension formats if needed.
  9. This seems to be the main upside to using Layer Sets/Anno Sets for your site plan. Using the plan foot print allows for the first floor roof planes to show by turning that Layer on but not the second floor roofs via ref sets.
  10. Dying to know what the 'other' method is - care to share?
  11. Was wondering what method Chiefers are using. EDIT: Do you find a specific advantage to one method over the other? I've used both and am using the plan foot print CAD detail method currently but never found a real down side to using Layer/Ann Sets other than a dimension conflict when needing decimal dims for the site plan and fractional dims for the floor plan..
  12. Happened to me the other day. A strange courier type font showed up in my response and couldn't post it. Had to close Chrome and restart then it was intermittent but now seems OK.
  13. Holding the 'F' key and dragging along the edge, instead of through the center of the arc works too - no need to change 'modes'..
  14. See if this helps Levis.
  15. I was just reading about Macs and YouTube but can't remember the problem. You can view your YouTubes vids OK yeah?
  16. I can'r find a way to get to a 12" radius using the 'F' key filet tool, only the filet tool on the tool bar actually works, which is of course the reason for your first post. Can't explain it but I agree, it ain't right.
  17. Didn't check the actual radius I too just figured it would be 12". Weird - and not in a good way.
  18. Strange, Vid works perfect here. Anyway try this. Grab the corner, hold down the 'F' key, move the corner, press the tab key, enter x/y values, bang, filet. Hope that helps Wonder why you can't see the vid. Hmmm
  19. This might be what you're looking for.