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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Like it Joe - Forgot how to do that - Thanks so much.
  2. The scroll wheel moves way too much for each movement. Was living with it but I think it needs some attention. I have the actual mouse - not the 3D wheelie thingy. Anyone else seeing this?
  3. Don't miss these charts when picking components CPU Benchmarks Video Card BenchMarks
  4. I recently ran a passmark test on my dual Xeon system (which I got for a very reasonable $2500 a couple years ago) versus the latest i7's as reported on the passmark web page and I think it was around 16,000 (computer thingys). My system is overclocked which requires a special motherboard (there was only one at the time that would allow OC) and the performance drops pretty fast without that OC. The person who built it had a couple of spare Xeon CPU's lying around and he did a bunch of testing to find a combination of hardware that would produce the most throughput (in gigaflops perhaps?) and he came up with what you see in my signature. I am looking forward to when a single, reasonably priced, CPU can at least match the speeds I'm seeing (for obvious reasons) because the hardware requirements for a dual CPU rig are a PIA. You should see the size of the necessary case - it is friggin' huge!! Dual fans dual everything and too hard to build myself, and in this case impossible to duplicate. I would never encourage anyone to over spend their budget but it's really really nice to have the extra horsepower when it comes to RayTracing. My older 760 780 video card which I spent well over $500 for needs replacing and it looks like I'll upgrade that before the CPU's if the system lasts that long.
  5. Nothing quantitative or objective - just the subjective 'lag' I've experienced with a fast system.
  6. ....Or just build a large, complex, Chief model and watch the lag increase as the complexity increases. You may need to measure every small computing process to understand the problem with your particular computer but I posted my real world results to illustrate that a killer dual Xeon CPU system, which can be upgrade at GREAT expense, is still slow and lags in X7 and X8, when the model gets large/complex. There's only one more thing to do with my system as I see it and that's to spend a lot of money on a new graphics card which I will eventually do but if you think you need a faster CPU and are under the illusion that the lag will disappear on a complex model with that blazing fast CPU - think again. Chief just plain slows down when the model gets large. Maybe the final release will change that but I am not optimistic - and I'm not really complaining as the benefits of Chief outweigh the slow performance - to me.
  7. John, I've got a pretty fast system, although my video card is is bit dated, and I have a couple large models (not in MB size but in square feet and complexity) that are VERY slow to respond. So slow that I can barely work in them in 3D. I have a LOT of CPU horse power but an older video card and am not willing to drop $500 plus on a new card so I've been (unhappily) living with the 'lag'. Nothing 'snappy' about X7 or X8 when models get large and I'm not sure it can addressed, or at least I don't know how. I sent the slow model in to Chief and they said it was something about rebuilding roof but the lag remains and I've struggled through completing the plans set. It might just be the price we have to pay for the 3D features and model building capabilities in Chief. Not saying it's good but Chief is just slow when the model gets large or complex.
  8. Yeah this forum is the best - but only if you post the plan
  9. Thanks SO much for quick and helpful responses. Robert, it was indeed the attic walls above that were set to be pony walls. Never saw that coming nor did I set them as such but this is a great tip and I hope it helps others. Thank you all again.
  10. I've never seen this before and have rebuilt walls but the same thing happens. The windows and doors in this wall won't display properly. Any help appreciated. WINDOW DOOR ANOMALY.plan
  11. Yeah Johnny brought up an 'option' I was thinking about but I'm a bit curious Scott, do you ignore the ceiling framing of the floor below and only set the floor above's floor framing? Or do you ensure both are the same? ...and any of it only makes in the world of Chief. Real world neither a floor or ceiling joist 'overrides' the other and in fact they are always the same size if they occupy the same space which is why I thought (not Chief think but real world think) that they should be spec'd the same in each dbx If not, then I'm learning.
  12. I think I know which question you are answering a 'yes' to Perry - but not sure. Would it be desirable to have the floor joists of the floor above over ride and actually change the ceiling joists of the floor below? Or would that take away an option or two?
  13. If you set the ceiling structure of the first floor to say, 2 x 6 joists and the floor structure of the second floor above to 2 x 8 joists will the 2 x 8 floor joists above override the 2 x 6 joists of the ceiling below? I always make sure they are the same. Is that necessary? Correct?
  14. Jon is correct but might be best for things like electrical where you don't need things 'scaled'. That first schedule is 'scaling' the larger fan and all the other symbols are following that size row height. With windows you might want to 'scale' the images to show that one window is smaller/larger than another. Might take some experimentation but should/could be workable.
  15. When creating or editing any plan material, place a space in front of the name in the name field and those relevant materials to that plan are always at the top of the list.
  16. ...Edit Page Information window. Thought I had missed it in X7 but it's new to X8 and really handy/faster when setting up your sheet index. Old way - close and reopen for each page. New way, just hit the drop down, change pages and modify - NICE.
  17. There's no real bench mark for Chief Architect 'Ray Tracing' speed. The only way to really know the speed differences between processors is to try and duplicate a Chief model on computers with different processors. Chief likes more cores for 'RayTracing' according to the Chief guys but how could one know the speed differences between processors in Chief without a true head to head test? I don't doubt that an AMD could be good for RayTracing but how can that speed be truly compared to an i7 without a head to head test? I personally would use something like Passmark or CineBench to judge such things but if someone is happy with their AMD's then I'm good with that. At the same time I would not ignore Graham's sound advice.
  18. Of course that can't help, but if snapped in place - again it seems to show the backsplash even with a 0 depth.
  19. Shelby, Pull your cabinets away from the wall and re-snap them back in place. Somehow your lowers got placed too far back against the wall surface.
  20. Agreed Graham - unless you get a big, perhaps unanticipated, job and your computer grinds to a halt. Had that happen to me and I had to (or at least I thought I had to) upgrade just to complete the model. The best advice I got was, and I think still is, to buy the best video card and CPU you can afford to insure your not under-gunned when that big job shows up on your door step.
  21. Coming out way too dark on my HP 110. Are the shadow's color/depth adjustable in any way? Printing to PDF first which looks OK then prints very dark on the HP. There's a 'lightness' setting in the HP which, when turned all the way down prints the shadows OK but kills (way too light) any other gray scale of PDF file. Haven't tried my printing service, from PDF, yet but am worried the color will be too dark. BTW looks great in the PDF, just prints very dark. Thanks.