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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Thought I responded earlier oh well.. JD, the video card handles 'rendering' the CPU handles 'Ray Tracing' and the terms are not interchangable. You need to understand the terms and what it is you want to do before upgrading your system. If you can afford it and your system's PCI buses are compatible by all means get a GTX 980 but it won't help you if you want to 'Ray Trace' which requires CPU muscle. There's a ton of computer threads here and a search may help clarify your needs.
  2. Nice. What settings are you using to send your views? Vector? Tech Illustration? Color off? Sun follows camera? Thanks
  3. Odd that a public Beta would be sold to consumers before its official release, no? Anyway I've had a couple minor issues with the latest public X8 Beta but no show stoppers and am doing all new plans in X8 public Beta.
  4. I don't think so either, but I'm all ears for any suggestions that might work.
  5. That's what I do too, doesn't take much time to manually dim the interior walls.
  6. I don't mean the delete objects tool, and I don't know if that's what you're talking about, but I just tried again, using the delete objects tool, and a "bunch of different settings and techniques" to adjust settings for Auto Interior Dims and still get a useless mess of dimensions, doubled up and unreadable with all the clutter. MAYBE there's a way to get it to work efficiently but if there is, shouldn't all of the users (some expert) who have posted saying it's basically worthless have access to that secret handshake? Why isn't there just one post and then many helpful posts about how to get it to work better? Why is the only real tip we get from Chief is to check Anno Sets with no real clue as to why or what settings might be used to get better results? I tried it once and it was useless - to me. I tried it again - it's still useless - to me, and I will never use it again until there is a simple explanation as to how the dims can be regulated or the feature is made to work in a manner that matches an Architect's/Designer's real world use of the tool. This is not the only tool that Chief automates then let's die without finding out how the users actually use it. If you have a method that works and gives you readable usable interior dimensions, why do't I? I've used the software 15 years and it's either too complex for me, or the technique is too arcane or non-existent for me to discover. I suspect the latter.
  7. Great tip Michael - have you tried it?
  8. Yeah Graeme that bit of 'odd' is the problem. Not insurmountable but just a heads up for other users.
  9. Tried it Perry. Makes no difference which macro or even if you have a macro. The page number changes when it shouldn't. Awesome if works OK on your system but can't see how that can be following the steps I outlined.
  10. Thanks for the replies but the problem has nothing to do with the solutions presented. Thanks David but the problem is a bug and can be replicated no matter how you number/letter your pages. No matter how you number/letter your pages the number in the Layout page number box at the top of the page shouldn't change when editing a different page. Just look at the first scene in the video. There should be no way that the page number in the Layout number box (11) is different than the page you are actually on (6 - or A6 or whatever). One can use any type of numbering/lettering scheme they choose, the bug remains as confirmed by tech support.. Out of curiosity, did you try the scenario presented in the video? Start on any page and that page 'number' will appear in the Layout number box (no matter how you number letter your pages) now edit a different page in the project browser. The page number now changes to the edited page not the page it should remain on. Again no matter what number/letter scheme you choose.
  11. Thanks Scott, I'll try again when I have time.
  12. It appears to be behaving badly. Looks like it's acting like the page number was double clicked in the browser. Hope this is a good place for bugs instead of the Beta Forums?
  13. I also know that to be true but how many others users would/could guess at such behavior? How many users will be baffled by this 'new method'?
  14. I don't think I've ever used it for a single room. I just pressed the button and got such a god awful mess I never tried it again.
  15. Thanks Mark. I was always told that any back up system is designed to lose you as much work as that back up timing is set to. i.e. If you back up once a week be prepared to lose a week's worth of work, once a day be prepared to lose a day's worth of work, an hour etc. Just wondering why one wouldn't use the previous save option as that should get you the most recent 'archive' possible - true? I'm asking because I went looking for some archives (it's rare that i need them) and it just didn't seem like they we all that useful/recent. Thanks.
  16. Tried them only once, never understood what they were for because they certainly didn't work for interior dimensioning. Maybe someone figured them out but I didn't want to waste my time.
  17. I understand Ctrl+S and save often but that's not the same as the archive function - is it? If you have archive set to once a day then even if you Ctrl+S every couple minutes the archive will only be updated per the setting in preferences as I understand it. When Chief crashes, which is extremely rare, and there is note stating there's a newer version other than the file you're trying to open, is Chief now accessing the Archives? Or some other location that Ctrl+S places the file?
  18. Hourly? Daily? Previous Save? Curious what you all use.
  19. Maybe it's hard to call from Norway kjell? If not they are a very helpful bunch at Chief and will surely get you fixed up..
  20. DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE PERRY - WHERE? Ah I see it under >text style>upper case - this will save me a ton of frustration - nice.
  21. I agree with Michael on the specific features but most of all I appreciate the little things things that can't be quantified that make the program just that little bit better, faster, smoother.
  22. kjell check this link - it appears you must have SSA paid though 2/24/16 in order to access X8 - couldn't tell you why.