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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. I'm setting my electrical schedules for the first time using the symbols and the 'name' of an electrical item shows up in the description column of the electrical schedule and I'd like the name, for instance, of the 'Bryant Sconce' to just read 'Sconce' or something more generic so my client can spec it with the designer or on their own terms. Can that name be changed? I would just leave off the description column but I need other items described like smoke and CO detectors etc. I could also not include them in the schedule but would like to show something for the over mirror bathroom lighting etc. Thanks
  2. I have a plan (attached) that I can't get my story poles to mark correctly. Probably user error but if anyone has a chance to look it over I'd appreciate it. Plan below STORY POLE PLAN.plan
  3. I can't get it to work like you want it to. It seems the sun angles in the plan over ride the default sun follows camera setting. I took out the sun angles and it reverted to the default sun follows camera, but wouldn't as long as those sun angles were present.
  4. There's a lot to say about what mother would say but sometimes a few windows in hard to reach places are a very good idea - no matter what mother might say.
  5. I have intermittent zoom issues too. The zoom will rocket from outside right through the walls with a single move on the mouse wheel - sometimes. I sent in a video with the problem when I was able to catch it once. Not consistent on my system.
  6. I agree Joe, but the builder and I are trying really hard not to be too practical and to get the homeowner what they want - and it's really, really hard. We mention things like cleaning but only onc,e and off handedly, so the thought is out there - then we get them what they want.
  7. Holy cr*p Dermot that worked a treat. Now for the easy peasy part? I dunno but that's way over my pay grade. And Thank You for the quick and accurate response.
  8. Thought it would be easy but am stumped. I want to place it in the wall space above 2 roof planes. Symbol? Then what?
  9. I like it Perry. I've been sending live Layout views update always but have trouble with printing. I'll experiment with plot line shadows. I like that idea. Thanks
  10. I thought I remembered that behavior as well but not consistent or user error.
  11. Would like to settle on a standard but so far can only pick method (plot line, live, etc.) with each send.
  12. Good point Perry. I didn't want to redo my elevation cameras but I am so I can get my new defaults to take effect. The defaults I've come up with (from another thread) are; Vector View, Sun Follows Camera, 15% shadow intensity, and 'color off elevations' from the 3D defaults dbx.
  13. I just re-read this post. I think you either use Sun Follows Camera OR Generic Sun not both.
  14. I set up a default sun angle in that same defaults dbx and it works OK for buildings that face a certain direction and that you want to be lit a certain way. Not a very flexible tool and had me a bit flummoxed but I kind of get it now.
  15. If you have sun follows camera set as the default then I think you would expect to have to over ride that in an elevation if want generic sun instead.
  16. I just went through the same thing. Go to DEFAULTS>CAMERA>SUN and set sun follows camera there - like Joe suggested.
  17. That's interesting and enlightening. Never once in 15 years with Chief have I wanted to draw with lines disconnected. Can't even imagine a scenario. Can you share why and when you this tool this way? Just curious. Different strokes and all that and am happy that new tool works for you and it certainly adds no inconvenience to my work flow.
  18. Had no idea that tool under CAD>Line existed. I almost never disconnect more than one line at a time so didn't find the new tools to be a problem like Ben. Also I've NEVER used the 'Connect CAD Segments' tool deactivated in the months I've been using X8 (beta team and all) and don't reckon I ever will. Parts of this change looks like another solution to a problem that didn't exist. Wish the devs would spend more time on more important stuff that's actually broke instead of fixing stuff that ain't. Was there user feedback that insisted this be changed? Never saw one suggestion to that effect but sometimes the devs see some low hanging fruit that seems it needs changing without feedback from users and we get new tools to replace old tools that worked fine and that takes time from other tasks that need attention.
  19. Late to the party but I like this tool better than before.
  20. Thanks Perry but check the 2 pics in the post, maybe not easy to see but the second picture shows the elevation all distorted and the wrong size. Look at the 2 left elevations. The PDF is wrong and happens a lot on my system. This was using update always. When using Plot Plan the differences goes away. I'll try update on demand in the future. BTW they are aware of this bug at CA headquarters. Very similar to Michael's PDF problem in post 20.
  21. Here's a current PDF problem. These are live views update always and you can see the Layout versus the PDF view. There's way to fix it but takes time to figure it out. Layout PDF print. Happens a lot.
  22. OK This will be a bizarre post as suddenly everything has started to work. I found the sun follows camera default, the shadow intensity is now staying at the default I chose, color is off from the 3D settings so wow it all looks good. Tanks Perry for the 3D defaults tip. I didn't know you could turn off color elevations there.
  23. I would also like to set a default for how my elevations get sent to Layout. Plot line or Live update always etc.
  24. Yup, one setting sets the camera to be 'Standard' 'Vector' etc. done that and I get Vector Views but no control that I can find about sun settings. The 3D settings allow for color off but no way I can see to set sun follows camera and toggle shadows 'on'. I would like to avoid opening each camera and adjusting settings 'every' time.