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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Sorry for not being clearer. I was wondering, given the choice between an i7 and a Xeon (not my cofig but perhaps a newer system) why would one choose one over the other in relation to Chief and how it utilizes the CPU? Greg above has a Xeon chip but it's very rare to see that here in the forum and since Chief doesn't run 24 hours a day what's the benefit, if any? Comparable chips have the same 6 cores and was just curious about the dynamics of the different chips - specifically in Chief.
  2. So do you think there's a benefit in Chief? Doesn't sound like but???
  3. Couldn't find Riverstone on the sample page. What size RT? (and so it begins)
  4. I'm curious what the actual benefits are with a single Xeon processor, versus a similar throughput i7 CPU, and Chief? Just looking at the Pass Mark chart (not that it's the end all) it looks like the i7 5930 is a touch faster and a touch cheaper than the Xeon 1650. Is the Xeon an inherently better choice? Why? Why not? And what's the current fascination with the 6700? It's not that fast in comparison to the faster i7's. Is it SkyLake versus Haswell? The overclockability? For shear throughput why choose a 6700? Budget? Other reasons?
  5. I'm not sure it requires clout but it's been tried so many times here that I'm not sure I'm game. The problem is always the same. Textures, materials, lights, lumens, view, zoom etc. absolutely everything has to match or the test isn't really that interesting. If someone wants to host I'll try and participate but time is limited.
  6. VERY interesting Greg. What is that disk exactly? I wonder if my Samsung SSD needs to be reconfigured somehow? It looks very slow in comparison. Love the clock speed of your Xeon, looks like a nice chip. With two there is probably the added benefit of 24 cores but the performance of your Xeon looks very good.
  7. Those options have been changed Tommy and they are much more flexible now but do require some fiddling. It solves a major problem with older versions where you had to calculate the heights for any second floor slabs using an absolute value. Now you can choose 'from floor' 'from finished floor' etc. to place second floor items accurately.
  8. Yeah both, Tech suggested it was rebuilding the complex roof (re-building in 3D not re-framing) that was causing the slow down so maybe a faster video card will help but not willing to pay for the upgrade currently. BTW my CPU's are Over Clocked to 3.0 gHZ
  9. Here's the latest PassMark test on my system for those interested in such things. I don't know what the overall number means and am only focusing on the CPU number, just because I don't know any better. Looks like the CPU number is at 14,679 computer thingys (technical term google it) versus today's fastest i7 at 16,001. My CPU's are overclocked to 3.0 Ghz. the test shows their stock 2.13 Interesting, it looks like a new 980 is about 35% faster than my old 780. That's pretty compelling. Here's some more detail. I remember buying a little cheaper, slower memory to keep the system cost down and the test results show that.
  10. I did a Passmark test on my system not too long ago and the numbers came up just a bit better slower more likely than the fastest i7 at the time so no reason currently to upgrade. That fastest chip was still $1000++ retail so no motivation to spend for a new system to equal what I have now. I have two low speed and low power consuming Xeons (it was the only chips I wanted to afford) and the only way they run well is with the overclock available on this particular (and only) Mother Board. No issues during RayTracing or multi tasking. As far as my system being brought to its knees, I have a couple of Chief models of large houses, not necessarily large files, that I can't work on in 3D, the lag is too severe; 5 - 8 seconds. Probably not a CPU issue but can't rule that out. My 780 video card might be an issue but I'm not spending $500 $650 for the occasional model that slows down. Looking forward to newer, faster chips and the dual Xeon setup has no advantage other than speed, which is a pretty large advantage but the system is huge and complex and really can't wait to get a simpler, fast machine in the future.
  11. Nice to have a new computer and your system(s) look really good for the money. Also very nice to be able to build your own to save a few $$. I have yet to meet a computer that is truly fast enough and every dollar spent wisely pays off in great time savings over the long haul IMO. Not ready to upgrade yet but will as soon as they make a single processor that will out run the dual Xeons in my current system.
  12. Sweet Perry, thanks for taking the time. I've got notes saved in a bunch of places but no macros - until now
  13. Here's something that might get you close enough to model.
  14. Got to learn more, got to learn more...What is the Perry method? Perry?
  15. I would probably use AutoCAD Sorry, that was low. I wonder if there's a way to create a really narrow truss and use steel as its material for the bar joist?
  16. LOVE it, and that can go in my profile/template plan. Turn off when manual changes need doing. Nice, I'm going to try it thanks Dermot.
  17. I've adopted that same method then and like it so far. Just have to remember to not auto-rebuild. Plus my profile plan has the notes on its foundation level (0) as well so they are never too far away. Thanks Scott. Michael, Alan, what method do you use? Or do you?
  18. I've got an HP 100plus and haven't printed to it in a long time as it always chokes on even medium large files.. Always a PDF first.
  19. Slow to the party huh? I've been working around it without too much trouble and I think you have your slab on floor 1 and re-size to the new walls? Anyone else have a method that works?
  20. I have a bunch of notes I like to use on my foundation plan but every time I re-build the foundation the notes disappear. I've taken to using the same foundation plan and moving the foundation walls around to match any new floor above and that preserves the notes but was wondering what you all do to save those notes. Library I guess is obvious, but what other methods are there out there?