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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Joe you're showing area.round(0) instead of x=area.round(0) is the x= needed?
  2. My question is, how did this ever get out off the software engineer's desk and in to the program? And then remain in the program after a couple of updates? Really strange thinking IMO.
  3. Tech is working on a fix and suggested a sofitt patch in the meantime.
  4. You don't have to 'uncheck' anything, just open and close and they come back. Still weird, still not right, but I'm sure the Chief folks will get to the bottom of it.
  5. I sent it in this morning along with the railing gap issue I was having. Tech support got back to me within 20 minutes with the advice I posted. They were not saying that Chief should behave this way, just that the solution offered would fix things short term while they looked into the issue further. And oh yeah, no need to thank all the posters who have helped out, we donate our time to help the best we can.
  6. I'm pretty sure the tech person didn't intend it as a 'solution' but merely a short term fix as they looked into the reason the problem exists in the first place. It's definitely a bug and unintended behavior and the problem has been entered into their database.
  7. Tech support suggested opening each attic wall and then simply clicking OK to close. The attic walls then regenerate. They do not know why they don't without that step but that seems to solve it. That change seems to persist after a plan 'save' so it should be good to use as a template.
  8. Attic walls are building, they can be found on the attic level, but they are not showing and I can't get them to show. Very strange. The exterior walls can balloon through ceiling above and that attic space will fill but it's not a true attic wall. Stumped.
  9. Not making light Michael and was trying to address Chop's specific question that I have no knowledge of. I wouldn't even know how to address it with tech support so I'll leave that in Chop's hands. The other issue I'll report later today.
  10. I agree Johnny, great work around but this seems like it shouldn't need that work around. I'll send it in to tech if I can find time today.
  11. Appreciate all the help. Great solution Glenn but a bit too complex me thinks for such a simple wall transition. I ended up using a doorway with a railing wall (no locate no room def) and it looks OK. Personally I don't think there's any reason that the 2 wall types shouldn't behave together but it's good know there's a couple of ways around the situation.
  12. Sorry guys, I had to bail out for a few hours and thanks for the replies. I agree there are always a few ways to do things and will have to try a couple different techniques as it doesn't look like this technique will work but I think the question isn't why I can't figure out something so simple (I can and will) but more what is Chief doing to cause this anomaly that IMO should NOT be there? Why can't a user combine a railing wall with a regular exterior wall? Why is there a gap where the walls meet? Why doesn't a material region mask that gap? Is that expected? Or simply not allowed in Chief for some unknown reason? Again, many ways to 'work around' this but why should there need to be a way around this simple combination of railing and exterior walls?
  13. I removed 2 windows and want to replace with a railing using the same opening sizes. I then broke the wall in 3 places replaced those 2 wall sections with a railing section, added a p-solid header and I keep getting these strange notches below the railing ends. Here's a pic Here's the plan WALL NOTCH.plan THANKS
  14. With a molding poly line you can add crown any where you'd like.
  16. Thanks for taking the time Johnny but in this case I want a full gable wall on that chimney wall. It seems to have something to do with that little invisible/gate wall but I'm not sure I'll ever know what the cause is/was.
  17. I was changing some walls around on a very simple plan and I got this warning. Chief cannot build a roof plane over the back wall Stumped. Thanks Looks like it has something to do with an invisible wall/gate creating the situation. Hmmm... It's invisible, no locate and no room def but Chief wants to build a roof with it. If I delete it the roof builds OK - but I kinda like it. Weird. If I unselect 'no room def' the roof builds over that now defined room. If I re-check no room def then the rear wall roof rebuilds OK. Never seen this before... ROOF PLANE 1.plan
  18. Rod, I would start with 3D>3D View Defaults>Interior Ambient and try and get a little more light in general. the rest of the details are pretty much magic and more experience with what works for you.
  19. Not sure either and please remember....Resistance is futile
  20. SWEET - Thanks Eric, Took me a minute to figure out what you did but once I did I was able to add a missing detail quite easily. Great solution.