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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Sorry I put PDF in the post title. That's a pic of a Layout Page in Chief. No PDF involved.
  2. SORRY - Nothing to do with PDF - that's just a simple LAYOUT page in Chief. Just a heads up to others, I'm on the latest update. I'll reboot and see if they go away.
  3. Appreciate you taking the time to look at the plan again and I came to a very similar conclusion to yours quoted above. I also don't think using Vector Views to show plants is a good way to go and this situation was bit unique as I had a client over, we ran out of time and I had to leave the office but he had to leave with a B&W printout so I thrashed through the situation using my usual MO above without resolving it. I heard back form Chief but they really just had question about what I was trying to do so resolution from headquarters yet and sending live solves everything so it's not a deal breaker but am still curious..
  4. Tried the color toggled on and any view had , indeed the plants shown in color, but it didn't change their behavior when sent to layout.
  5. Thanks for your advice as always David but this issue is a bit more complex as the video shows. My template plan, using a Vector Camera, sent to Layout with plot lines only, the plants show going a bit contrary to the advice above? Now with shadows on the Plants show in Layout.
  6. If I turn on shadows the plants show - they are transparent but they show - or maybe just their shadows? Still experimenting and waiting for the DOH moment when headquarters e-mails with the super simple thing I'm missing..
  7. The weirdest thing is my template plan works fine, the plan I posted does not.
  8. Check the video if you have time - I know they are not easy to watch all the way through but it shows a few different settings and results. 1. The plants will display in color with color when possible, but won't show in Layout. 2. That will show the Layout in color but I want just Plot Lines, and when turning off color the plants disappear/reappear with the color on/off. 3. Tried many many different iterations but no go.
  9. Thanks David, that makes perfect sense but I can send the plants to a Vector Elevation view and the plants show fine - until I send to Layout. It's a long video above but it clearly shows plants showing in the Vector Elevation view and it clearly shows plants showing in the Layout using my template plan, but not in the plan in question. Still a stumper but I can always use live views when I need the view to print again. Just a bit confusing. I did try taking another elevation view, instead of the saved camera and it seemed to behave OK but not consistently.
  10. Tired is a couple different ways. Still won't show in layout but thanks for the reply.
  11. Just checked my template plan and sent 3 different vector elevation views and the plants showed in each view. Still think you might have a good point but can't figure out what's different between plans
  12. Thanks Michael and good point and a good chance I've got a setting or my expectations wrong but I can't figure out why it seems unique to this plan? My template plan seems to show the plants OK using the plot line setting. I will check that again to see what I might be missing and thanks for your time and insight.
  13. Thanks so much for taking the time to check - really appreciate it. I sent the plan into CA and will await their verdict.
  14. Yeah they seem to be tied to the color setting here as well. EDIT: But just in that plan. My template plan seems fine.
  15. Plants show fine in Vector view elevations, they just disappear after sending them to Layout.
  16. Was wondering if someone else might try and confirm this. It seems to be happening only with the attached floor plan. If I create a new plan from my template and send that to layout the plants show but I cannot get the plants in this plan to show after sending the elevation to Layout. Tried refreshing, moving the plant but nothing seems to get them to show. Just tried sending the elevation with plot plan color enabled and the plants show as long as color is turned on. Turn color off and the plants disappear. Looks like it's just effecting this one plan so far but a heads up in case someone else runs into the same problem. PLANT TEST 1.plan Video below
  17. I looked at your model and unfortunately the model is really large and slow on my system and I just don't have the time to try and repair things. One thing to try is placing your terrain on the second floor instead of the third. That won't fix it because it shouldn't matter where your terrain region is but it might get you closer. Also use your floor heights to position the elevation regions. There aren't any short cuts you just have to muscle through it till you get things figured out.
  18. This is not the first time this question has been asked but I think it's just too darn hard to answer in a way that works for more than a couple people. One place to look for really extensive videos is LOTS of information that may help in you understanding.
  19. Use elevation regions of varying sizes and heights. Easier than you'd think. This video might help.