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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. Nice Michael, had no idea that little tool existed.
  2. I find the tools a bit confusing as well but here's the way I break a line using the current tools. HTH
  3. Was always taught to never scale anything from a plan, especially details. I always draw and note details N.T.S. saves so many headaches and shouldn't deteriorate from the working plans.
  4. Love me some N.T.S. notation. Works every time.
  5. I think it's camera 'location'. There are a couple of hot keys that will move the camera in and out but can't remember them. Try moving the camera 'out' and see what happens. Or even the cursor keys, try moving the camera away and see if that helps.
  6. The camera behavior changed with X8 and there's a new feature, something like rotate about object (?) that maybe is set up in a way that's distorting the view? I would look for that new feature and see what changing it does for your views.
  7. Where is the ability to change this path in the pref dbx? I only see Data, Temp Undo and Patterns? I can see the path but don't see anyway to change it.
  8. I thought I would try it with 'My Materials' and could not locate it. Is the library a single 'file'? If so then that might take the fun right out of synching as you suggest. But a moot question as I don't know where that is either.
  9. I have the same concern about the Library, thus my question above, but I can't see how there would be a lag since it is simply accessing the hard drive, which I might have wrong as well? All the library files are currently on the hard drive correct? Curious about the genuine ramifications. Or maybe it would be nice to just get 'My Materials' onto Drop Box as everything else be reloaded in case of a problem. My problem is I don't know where 'My Materials' is in order to put them on DropBox and how would one point to that folder from the library browser? Those are the types of questions I have about using DB for library items.
  10. There is a way to use Drop Box where it doesn't install a folder on your hard drive and you can drag and drop or upload folders/files to Drop Box manually and share the link with anyone who you'd like to grant viewing privileges to. If you have loaded Drop Box on your computer using their software it will create a folder called DropBox on your hard drive and using this method any sub folders within that DropBox folder are automatically uploaded to the Drop Box servers as they are created.
  11. I think Drop Box works a bit differently than you're thinking Michael. I have a folder on my SSD hard drive called Drop Box and it has many sub-folders for jobs etc. again all on that internal SSD drive. Drop Box merely synchs itself with that hard drive so there's no lag what so ever as each time you access a file it is simply accessing the SSD drive as if Drop Box weren't there. I suppose one would be able to access their library files in the same way? Another way to put it. You don't put any files into Drop Box. You put them on your SSD hard drive and Drop Box, which is pointed to that Drop Box folder, uploads your files and synchs them to its cloud servers. Way slicker than I thought it would be.
  12. How would one actually accomplish that? It seems the libary files are hard to locate and move.
  13. Found the Packrat feature of Drop Box but it is no longer available. They now offer Extended Version History which preserves up to one years of version history.
  14. I've got Drop Box on all 4 of my work/home computers and every Chief file gets updated to each computer whenever I turn that computer on. There's still a real danger that Drop Box can corrupt a file which will then get updated to all the computers as that same corrupted file but that's a risk I'm wiling to take to have my files backed up to essentially 5 different places - 4 computers and the Drop Box servers. Very happy with Drop Box overall. BTW I used Google Drive for a long time but it wasn't as user friendly to me. I still use it with one contractor client but only because he is computer averse and has a hard time changing technology.
  15. Yusef, Are the wire frames simple 1/16" - 1/8" molding p-lines set at different heights and shapes?
  16. Not sure when this happened but now after entering the page range you don't have to click the tab key to activate the 'update' feature, you can simply click the update button without hitting tab.
  17. I think you guys mostly had it right re: plant images. I'm thinking if anything changes it would good to not show plants in elevation view (no shadows/no color) so one wouldn't expect them to also show when sent to Layout as well. ..."using plot lines without shadows or color removes the textures and patterns completely from a view [but not the elevation view - my quote], the plants are being removed from your layout view, as the plants in your plan are image based objects." ..."I have passed information on to our developers so they can take a look at optimizing the behavior of image based objects in elevation views, and how those views are sent to layout in the future."
  18. Looks like you're using X7 - it is REALLY helpful if post which version you are using.
  19. Remember it does matter which version you are using. In X8 the structure tab in the Roof Plane dbx is where the framing spacing is set for the roof rafters, in X7 it is set in the framing tab.
  20. Did you check in Roof Plane/Structure? There's also an edit all roof planes icon where you change every plane's structure.
  21. Tried 3 times - update all fixed the shadows this morning.
  22. First time for me since the initial X8 release. Haven;'t heard from Chief yet.