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Everything posted by HumbleChief

  1. All the 'room's and 'foundations' and 'floors' defaults are set to stem walls with a wood framed floor. This plan ALWAYS builds a mono slab and I think it is the plan that's messed up. I'm going to try another profile plan and see what I get.
  2. Thank Joey, I'll bet that will work but why don't the default settings take care of all that stuff and simply build to the default settings??? Should a user have to look in 3 or 4 places to re-define default settings? I wonder if there's something weird about that specific plan? It's my default template plan and maybe it's been around for too long? Still don't understand why the defaults don't simply build to the defaults. Just tried it and it indeed build with a floor now and not a mono slab but instead of building with a 5 1/2" floor framing member, as is set in the defaults, it has a 4" concrete floor so that has to be changed to the default floor structure by checking the default box, instead of, again, simply building to the defaults. I have a feeling that plan is whacked from too many years of abuse. I'm going to send it and see if it needs a refresh as my default template plan. Thanks again for taking the time.
  3. Thanks Joey, Maybe the vid wasn't clear? I have the foundation set to Auto Re-build to stem walls but it is still re-building with a mono slab. I know I'm missing something simple but I deleted everything and started from scratch with absolutely nothing in the plan. Set defaults, set auto rebuild foundation to the stem wall foundation defaults but I still get a mono slab. Missing something easy. Thanks again. Here's the foundation dbx, pretty simple and set to rebuild auto with stem walls but I still get a mono slab
  4. Trying to understand the simplest of basic default floor settings and am completely baffled and quite embarrassed to be posting this. If anyone could take a look I would really appreciate it. Here's the plan. default plan 1.plan
  5. Really too much time on this plan. Perry, I think you have some good points but it seems like the plan is behaving a bit strange. I tried the balloon through ceiling above setting and it works sometimes, on some walls, but the bigger point what if you have wood framed walls (in the same plan) and you don't want the framing to balloon through? The attic walls still don't generate by themselves and I can't figure out why. It's time for a swim at my neighbors and some BBQ so hopefully the OP gets it figure out.
  6. Perry, your help and expertise are always welcome but I think you are missing something in this particular case. We may never know what the deal is and my expertise is many times lacking but I too feel there's something amiss with that plan. Like I said maybe we'll never know and maybe you're right but maybe, just maybe, you're not and claiming Michael should rise above his observations because he may have an ulterior motive is not that cool IMO.
  7. Yeah there's something hinky with that plan. Would love to know what's up.
  8. For me the issue is - why does it need to be 'fixed'? Shouldn't Chief handle that simple construction with ease, by default? And 5 minutes in my opinion is way to long to spend fixing a plan that should need no 'fixing'. Also Perry please remember that the fact it took you 5 minutes to fix is 5 minutes too long for a novice who doesn't know all the nooks and crannies of CA. I can also open any blank plan, like the OP stated, and have the attic walls build properly, (except when they don't in my experience) but not in this plan. As easy as it might be for some CA experts to 'fix' I think there's something else going on. I would also send it in and find out why the attic walls just aren't building as one would expect - without the help of CA experts.
  9. This is the main question I believe and I come across this behavior ALL the time. There is NO reason Chief should not be building the walls exactly as you should expect Mark. I opened the plan and could find no reason the attic walls weren't building and yet they weren't. Would really like to know what makes this plan unique. Place a roof and attic walls should fill the void unless they are turned off and in this plan they are not. All of the above advice is good to fix something you shouldn't have to fix. This IMO is Chief behaving VERY badly.
  10. Ctrl X is the windows short cut for 'cut' and is hard to use in any other way. I'll try the block and resize trick when it comes up again. Thanks too JJ.
  11. Yes, you can draw it on the wall when in perspective floor overview, just make sure you are looking at the wall in a direct enough manner otherwise it will draw in weird places.
  12. OK wait a minute, everything was gone yesterday and everything is there this morning. I won't pretend to know what happened but I'm not messing with it any more. Thanks Joe.
  13. I set my default folder locations to my DropBox folder and lost pretty much everything custom I had done. Tool Bars, Hot Keys, all my manufacturers catalogs and bonus content, everything I had customized was now simply not there. Not sure what Ill do other than rebuild everything from scratch, and I'm not sure how reliable that DropBox folder is for all my custom stuff. Trying to find my old data to restore but not having any luck. Will leave well enough alone for the future.
  14. I 'think' I get that Chop, thanks for the help. If you add the layers just right and then delete the right layer you can get the effect of a simple 'move up' or 'move down' command. I sometimes just feel so stupid when I use Chief. Sigh.
  15. Seems crazy I don't know the answer to this but is there a way to add layers 'under' roof structures? Like a layer of underlayment 'under' the roof? All the inserted layers end up on top of the current layer. I can add a layer on top of the roof structure, which will end up under the roofing but am curious if there's a way to add a layer 'under' and existing layer somehow?
  16. BricsCAD seems like a great program for everything other than residential and small commercial construction. I'm not a Chief home or fan boy but one look at the complexity of that interface and I'm running back to Chief. Like every choice in CAD software one has to choose what fits their business. BricsCAD, ArchiCAD, ACAD are way, way, too complex and overkill for what I do in my business. If I was designing hospitals or airports or large commercial projects Chief would be my last choice but my business revolves around small residential and for that business model there is simply no better choice - for me.
  17. Go into your Layers and uncheck Walls,Through Wall Lines layer
  18. Makes sense, and hard to imagine text increasing at a steady, smooth rate, though I have to admit I did expect that to happen.
  19. That's a good call Chop but doesn't seem to be the case as none of the text wraps during any of the snaps.
  20. Has no effect. Still snaps to something. Actually I remember that being my first confusion about this behavior - that cnrtl key would have no effect as it was my first instinct.
  21. I've seen this in multiple places and can't figure out how to turn snaps off completely.