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About Steve_Nyhof

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    Holland Michigan
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    Home design, family fun, and fishing

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  1. I was a bit mean spirited. Sorry. I missed my nap today and that was most likely my problem
  2. After reading enough, I'm exhausted and too old to have to think this much. Four decades ago I was complaining about what I should do, already designing homes for 10 years on the side. My oldest brother, a contractor, just told me... Just get to work! So I did using whatever tools were available, and adjusted my tools as technology changed. Pick something. I do not think there is enough that could be said here that could move you one way or the other. Sounds to me like you just need to get to work, do something.
  3. The template is in the very first post on Page 1. I highly recommend that you follow my steps exactly so you get my same results.
  4. I would suggest asking your questions in the General Q & A - you will get more interaction from those who watch that space more closely.
  5. In the link is this Library. Download the file and drag it into your drawing.
  6. Honestly, I deleted the 2D shadow trees from my personal Library. Just click on the link in the first page in this thread (I see it above). But they do not cast as nice of a shadow as 3D trees do. Follow my first steps in the beginning of this thread as I add 3D trees for shadows.
  7. If you are drawing giant homes that require a hundred pages, by all means use Revit. I do know that Revit can do anything you want it to. It sounded like you were going to work for someone who used Chief for remodeling, so I was just suggesting that it does, I believe everything you need it to do to draw and document remodeling documents. Make the documents as extensive as you like. As far as slamming Chief, we do it all the time. However, I don't know of anyone who walks away from it. I know of others that would love to get into a long conversation with you about the intimate details of Cad software. I'm just saying that Chief offers what a designer needs to do very complex models and detailed construction docs.
  8. I've looked into Revit several times and Chief is way more user friendly in my mind. Restricted in areas because of it's automation, but there are always work-arounds. I used AutoCAD for several decades, and moving to Chief was the best thing I did. Mind you I did not like a number of things because my paradigm was from AutoCAD. But once you get past that and understand Chiefs approach, you will not look back. I draw about 120 plans a year with Chief and 60% of them are Remodels. Once you get the overlays setup in your template it is super easy to see the As-Built plan in your Remodel plan.
  9. I don’t use TM any more. Check in the grass / plants area. It’s a sub menu
  10. Correct, I updated my language above This is what I find. I never question Michael, and I do always learn from him. This is what I am learning for being able to change the garage door into a Door.
  11. I did not know there was an option for Add to Library As tool. Going to look into that. Thank you
  12. Non of my doors used Doorway as a symbol from the start. I tried that and that is goofy. The video above shows how I make a door symbol and use that to generate the same panel garage door, and that symbol shows up in the DBX in the Library list, again because it is a symbol. Once the Door symbol is made and put into a wall, you can open the garage door and change all the settings you want and then save that to the Library. This now is only a garage door and can only be inserted into a wall from the library and not from the DBX library list (it is no longer a symbol). You can still open it in the Library and change its settings as a garage door. IF HOWEVER, you create a full sized garage door (7' x 18') as a Door symbol it will show up in the DBX library list. But only as a symbol, and you cannot change the settings like you can in the example above. So, if you want to be able to swap out full garage doors you would want to create a Door symbol as a full size garage door and leave it as a symbol. The doors that have the row of glass in them where saved as a full size garage door symbol, but then I still adjusted the settings I wanted and saved that to the Library so that when I inserted it into a wall, all my garage door settings were in place. When I have a client that wants to change a 16' wide garage door to an 18' garage door, I delete the existing door and add the new 18' wide garage door from the library. By doing it this way I know that all my default settings will come with that garage door when it is placed and I have nothing to change. It would be nice if I could swap out a garage door from the DBX or the library tool because I would not need to relocate the door or attach the dimension again.
  13. @Chrisb222 So based on my videos, what am I missing on my doors that could make them work? Thank you
  14. What I am finding is that it needs to be a symbol to show up in the DBX Here is more of why the one works and the other does not