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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. I tried to change the default to my new interior wall layer set I created but cannot figure out how to may it a default?
  2. I always leave the interior walls in on the site plan and roof plan but it would be better if the interior walls weren't there so I will try your way. Also the interior walls get in the way of the roof labels and you cant see all the labels clearly.
  3. Is there any way to move the roof labels around?
  4. Perry, Do you copy your "walls normal" layer set and then mark the new copy interior or exterior to put them on separate layer sets?
  5. Ok, I didn't realize you could send to layout without having something drawn in the plan file so If that's right then I can set that up. Also, In the send to layout dialog box I unchecked the box to make a copy of the active layer set. Didn't really find a need for an extra copy laying around. I don't understand what that is for. Can anyone explain it to me or do I just not need it to copy?
  6. What do you mean "all the views already sent to the layout"? Am I over looking a simple time saver step here?
  7. My operating system and programs in total are only about 80GB so I didn't need to spend the large money on a bigger one than the 256.
  8. I was told to only put programs on the SSD without the data.
  9. Took some advise from my son, I added a "Solid State" hard drive to my computer and I run my operating system and Chief on it and put all my files on the regular hard drive. I'm no computer tech but the Solid State drive was the best thing I ever done. Windows system boots up in about 10 seconds and Chief runs like a top! So I put all my programs on the SS and I'm a happy camper!
  10. Thank You It hasn't happened to me on the current drawing I'm working on but I'm sure it will. Wanted to ask the question before it happen again. The only thing that really bugs me about it is that if I have to resend the layout than I have to put my description back in again for the layout label (Plot Plan 1/8 inch = 1 foot). Otherwise its not too bad just frustrating to cause me extra steps and waist time. Also if I don't noticed that it didn't update and it goes to print that another frustrating moment. Damn Gremlins!
  11. When I send a floor plan to layout and then make changes to the floor plan the layout changes 90% of the time but ocasionally it does not. Specifically I deleted the dimensions and put them back in and the layout page did not update so I deleted the plan on the layout page and sent a new plan to layout to correct it. Does anyone else have this problem and if so is there another way to update the layout when this happens or am I doing something wrong?
  12. I think my favorite thing about Cheif is having the display on the side bar. What a time saver of going in and out!!! There are a lot of other thing but that is what I use the most. Turning on and off layers as I need them and seeint them disapear as I click the boxes.
  13. I think my first version of Chief was version 8 and I paid like 1200.00 for it. Best money I ever spent !!! Upgrade every year and I to get to sit on my can and work but I also run my construction company so I'm very busy! Any more feed back on what you all like on the technical side of X7?
  14. Very positive and important! I invest the most money into companies that give good support.
  15. Friends, This may be silly but I would like to give it a try. I would like to ask of only your positive input on what you like about X7? We all discover things that others have not and that may help others that have X7 already and others that are thinking about upgrading to X7. And it would be refreshing to me to hear more of the positive things about X7. It would be interesting to hear what others have to say and who knows we may even learn something! One thing that I discovered was there were things I didn’t like at first but now I do. For Instance: In the display options I didn’t care for the way that the plus mark, check marks and M was so big because it seemed congested. But after getting used to it and looking at it a different way I discovered that it is actually easier to see the unchecked areas. I know this seems like a small thing to share but to me it is important because looking at a computer screen all day it helps to keep things let confusing. I really appreciate Chief Architect’s willingness to go out on a limb and change things around to help us users. Good Job CA!!! Thank You
  16. Have you tried to call HP support on the designjet problem? I Have a 10 year old designjet 110 and I called HP support because I was having some problems with it and they were very helpful. If it is something fairly simple they don't charge you otherwise its a small fee of $35.00. Even on a 10 year old printer it works great with X7.
  17. I didn't like the new Icons at first but now I'm getting used to them. There are other things I would rather have CA working on then the look of an Icon. Lets just go for a motorcycle ride and enjoy the weekend Respectfully from the biker friendly guy!
  18. If you remember the Niche started off as a shampoo shelf (shadow box) in a bathroom wall with no shelves but I know that is really not the point here. I tried several different ways including the cabinet idea and I liked it but as you say you have to edit the framing. I went back to my original idea of using a window opening and just filling in the back side with the wall. In this way the framing comes out as you need it. I think it would be a good idea for chief the create "Niche" selection under the window tools that has a back to it and/or the drywall on the other side can somehow remain. I would use this tool a lot. Just about every one of my bathrooms have a shadow box. Having the framing come out right without having to customize it would be very helpful.
  19. I tried messing around with making the Niche (or what I call a shadow box) out of a medicine cabinet but It wasn't that easy. So the one in the attached picture I made from an upper cabinet. Much easier!
  20. You needed to take another step using the poly line tool and convert it to a slab and then you can adjust the location and change the color and/or materials you want it to be. Check out the attached drawings.
  21. I ended up putting in two interior walls perpendicular to the exterior wall spacing them 4' on each side of the window center to give me a base line for the start of the roof and drew in a manual roof and then deleted the interior walls I used after It was complete. Also I used the "Join Roof Planes" even though I had two different pitches. Took me about 20 minutes and worked like a champ. Thanks for the ideas!
  22. The only issue I had was because of my video card was causing a lot of problems!!! Running on my NVIDIA card now and everything it peachy!!! Also on a side note: I changed my ram from 6 to 16 and it did not make my system any better but the hot ticket was to change out my hard drive to a "SOLID STATE" or add a second one just to run your operating system and programs. 10X faster on my computer and solved a lot of problems. Check out my system in my signature. Never has ran so good!
  23. I would like to know some other ways of making this gable roof over this kitchen window in the attached drawing. I always have to be creative and looking for an easier way. Any thoughts or suggestions?