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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. Thats exactly what I'm looking for! Thank You Jon!!!
  2. I use drop box for floor plans, elevations and I will put a few 3d views but It would be nice to use the Tablet to be live. Not that important though.
  3. I am experimenting with "Room Planner". Thought I would give it a try. I drew a plan and imported it into CA and that worked great! My question is; Can I draw a plan in CA and put it in room planner so I can show a client out in the field on my tablet? Or if not is there another way that I can view a plan from my tablet?
  4. I have noticed since I installed windows 10 that I have been having problems with some files getting corrupted. For Example; Excel, Word and CA file3 changing to a MP3 file and then it is corrupt and there is no going back. They will not open no mater what I do even if I change the extension. Anyone else have this problem?
  5. Yes I know you did but that is when it didn't work the first time i tried it so I was just responding to Jerry. Every response in this thread was very helpful because now I have a larger understanding of how casing, lintel and sill work together. So thank you very very much!
  6. Thank You Jerry! That worked. Not sure why it didn't work the first time I did it but I tried it on a different window and it worked fine. A suggestion for CA would be to put that same setting to be accessed from the lintel DB maybe if it can be done.
  7. i would like the lintel to extend two inches past the window frame like the drawing in the first post. But the problem is the bottom of the lintel overlaps the shutter and window frame just as the picture in my first post.Also I went in and made sure my casing overlap was set to zero. Allthough I dont think the casing settings have anything to do with the lintel.
  8. The lintel needs to not over lap the window frame at the top (like the sill). Anything else that is done is counter productive and a waist of valuble time for this paticular issue. I would rather just leave it the way that it is. It really doesnt matter that much. This is one those CA things that you just have to live with until it is fixed. The correct way in my opinion is to be able to be more flexible in the casing dialog box so you can choose to have casing only on the top and bottom or fix it in the lintel dialog box. Thank you all for your help. I really appreciate it.
  9. Thank you Joe. Seems like I can never have it all! Very appreciative as always for your help
  10. Outside casing only works if your using casing. I'm using lintel for the top trim and sill for the bottom. I don't want casing on the sides.
  11. I put the window shutters in and a lintel and sill for the trim above and below the window. The problem is the lintel trim interfere with the shutters as per the attached picture. Anyone know how to fix this issue?
  12. Everything seems to show up and is working the way it should on my system. I put in a few can lines and put them on cad 10 and cad two and it seems to be fine.
  13. Thank You Jon! I did it before but its been so long I forgot.
  14. Does anyone know where you enter in the window manufacturer into the window schedule?
  15. I agree with this. It is really easy to do and it will automatically frame accordingly for you floor framing when you do the sections. I have done it a few times with roll in showers.
  16. Toby, Do you use that material from the noble company to do your shower pans? I haven't found a product on the market I trust yet because I have torn out a lot of badly installed showers. I always insist to hot mop and concrete float the pan and the walls. So I was just curious because this seems like one of the best systems that I have seen so far but it also looks like its more time consuming and more expensive than concrete. Not sure?
  17. After thinking of this question. It is really not a big issue to me. I just select a color from the color chart in the library. Not expecting an answer.
  18. Michael, I understand what you are says but the silliness seems mostly to be in the part of the programing team. I would like a direct question answered but I'm not getting it. Can what I'm asking for be done? Can CA make it so when I select a room (without using poly lines) that it will generate all the materials for that room? Or is it to complicated? It tells you the ceiling drywall, why not the walls? Also what about the electrical? It calculates the plumbing, doors, windows and everything else. Doesn't that seem silly to you?
  19. Does anyone know if there are any stucco manufacturer libraries available anywhere?
  20. I realize that there are work-a-rounds but you should be able to select a room and get a complete materials list otherwise whats the point in even having a rooms materials list? I can calculate the materials list on paper faster than doing poly lines or other creative Ideas. I guess I need to post another suggestion in the suggestion box but I thought we had all covered this before in a earlier conversation and I assumed that CA would come up with a fix in X8 but they did not.
  21. I thought it might get fixed with Chief 8. Its not like we haven't had this discussion before.
  22. Using CA version 8, When I select a room to calculate the materials the correct amount of drywall does not come up. It doesn't appear to be calculation the walls (only the ceiling). Am I missing something here?
  23. I never notice the "Help" at the bottom I guess I need help to find help!
  24. The rainbow tool was the save of the day for me! My customer really like my design presentation! Thank You!