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Everything posted by builtright3

  1. I would like to build some solid concrete stairs with a landing from a deck down to the pool area. I can think of ways to do it and have before but I would like some direction and other suggestions for a more simple way to build it. My way is very time consuming. Please help if you can Thank You
  2. I have a long way to go yet but you solved that problem for me. Thank you David!
  3. Yes this is the same issue im have. What magic trick do you use David?
  4. I need this deck to go over the top of this retaining wall (cantilever over it about 12 inches).Its not allowing me to do it. Any help would be appreciated. Share Plan.plan
  5. Is there way to get this board and batten siding into my wall design? I know I can do trim boards but can it be built into my exterior wall type?
  6. I'm downloading the core library and it is stuck. Can anyone tell me why. Its sitting at 99%
  7. You should be able to auto build that roof pretty easy. Share your plan and I'm sure someone would love to try and help you.
  8. I have a cad file that was sent to me and I don't have auto cad but I have "True View". Can anyone tell me the best way to convert that cad file to Chief Architect?
  9. I had that problem before and I turned on "Show all layer sets" and found that their was a type of wall in there that I had turned off that was causing the break.
  10. I was wondering if I can build my own roof type? Was thinking if I had a room type as being a "Shower" that I could set all me specifications for the wall and floor finishes to be automatic for tile and whatever else I'm not quite sure but It was just a thought. Any thoughts on that?
  11. Are you talking to Scott for the lines between floors?
  12. Thank you for the ideas! I would like to learn more about dragging walls in elevations. I have never been able to get that to work for me yet and also I don't have a clear understanding of doing veneer walls? I don't think either of these ideas are explained enough in the help videos or manual. Probably because its a work around. I posted my plan in the last reply to Scott. This was my only obligation so far on this project and it worked well for now. Not perfect but it worked. Thank You!
  13. That's a great video! Thank You How would you address the curved walls and window walls that sit inside? I attached my drawing so you can see how I did it but I'm still having the issue with the corner post that I don't want. Tiltup.plan
  14. Others can better help you if you post the plan. Much easier and helpful to others as well.
  15. This is my first commercial building and so far so good! Thank you for your help! 1) The part I'm stuck on now is the windows and doors. I need to mulled them together somehow. I have tried but have not had any luck. 2) Also I need to get rid of the circled post at the corner as per the picture so I can put in a round column. Can anyone help me? I attached the plan file and if it helps anyone else please use it in whatever way you please. Tiltup.plan
  16. Thanks guys, I will let you know how it turns out. That is a good start.
  17. Hey Guys and Gals, I have not had the pleasure of drawing a concrete tilt-up building before and I would like to draw one for a conceptual design for a friend of mine. I was wondering if someone can help me get started? Its 20 feet high to the top of the wall but the roof sits down a few feet below inside so we have parapet walls. I put a 1/2 inch per foot pitch roof and set my ridge board top height at 18 feet but my wall drop down to below the roof. How do I make it so the wall stay at the 20 foot height?
  18. This is the devise I was thinking of buying. I did a new thread because I wanted current information. Room planner has recently upgraded and you know how electronic devises keep changing. Cant keep up!
  19. Tommy, Do you have anymore on line workshops coming up in the near future?
  20. I'm starting to use room planner but I think It would really help if I purchased a Blue tooth measure devise. Any suggestions on what to buy?
  21. Never mind. I found it under mill work. I missed it the first time I looked
  22. Any body no where I can find additional liburary content for window shutters? I need a two panel shutter.