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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. Monster dead lifts Justin, keep up the good work. I'm putting together a PCpartsPicker list from your list to see if I can finagle it down to my price range. Thanks for all the great info.
  2. You've done well. I was a smooth 265 back then & did see 200 again back in 1998 but I love to eat:) 235 now & only play tennis 2-3 time a week. Sorry to hear about the injuries, I think being too lean can lead to some injuries when your pushing that kind of weight. We had a weightlifting club training out of a garage, although it was well equipped for power lifting. With 6 to 8 guys training there was a lot of competition. I hung with two friends and both stronger than I so I was always motivated. Gary was a dead lifting fool topping out at 800! 660 squat & 420 bench. Dennis dead was 700 & 680 squat & 500 bench. All of us in the heavy class Dennis 275 and Gary was about 225. He did look like a body builder. All of us 6' tall. Others in the group were pretty good & we won State club championship. One other Vick at 180 could dead 600, bench 405 & squat 550. Quite the Mighty Mouse. Good times were had back then. Thanks for taking me back. Take care of those injuries as they can stay with your for life. later. Back to work
  3. BTW Justin in my youth (26 now 67) I too power lifted. Bench 440 Squat 500 Dead lift 580
  4. Thanks for the update. So Chief does not have a list of approved cards?
  5. This is a common requirement for many of my jobs. The shower glass needs to be on top pf the tub deck. Here I used railing walls then go all the way to the floor. Not sure how to frame it if I needed to? Tub Deck is a solid & I used a standard shower pan, no the best choice. I need to improve my method. Some showers are framed glass & some frame-less glass. Just another hurdle in the "how to" process.
  6. Too bad they don't provide Theme's so you could choose to remain with X6 icons.
  7. How are we to remember all the setting tweaks we made in X6 that need to be changed in X7. Did I miss an export setting process when I upgraded this morning? I'm still reading the help files daily to get my work done. Thanks for the Heads Up!
  8. When I open a dialog after using similar like Walls the Item focus is no longer retained. The focus is on the first item in the list. Say I was changing Wall Type. The next wall I open will not be focused on Wall Type. Is that broken?
  9. No joy on the right click. I'll restart the computer later when I return & try again. Thanks
  10. Thanks Mick, tried that several times. Ctrl+Dbl Click
  11. NBD but I can't get it to go. windows 7 Pro x64
  12. Thanks Joe, Wish we could open CA twice but no joy here. Fortunately for me this was an academic question as not much was in the layouts, so I can recreate them. Alan
  13. I like the idea of one layout file & 2+ plan files. Did not know the layout file would open needed plan files. How to copy objects on the layout you are retiring into the other layout file?
  14. Oh I see, force blank sheets in there.
  15. I have a project with two buildings and they are in separate plans & layout files I want sheets A-1 through A-8 on one set & A-9 through A14 on the other. Can this be setup for auto numbering? Currently I use "A-0" in the layout LABEL and a text object for the sheet number %layout.label% works well for one layout file but how to deal with the 2nd layout file? Would I have to abandon layout file B and have two plans open & one layout file?
  16. OK I was able to fix it by going into each of the 3 rooms on the 4th floor & changing the ceiling below. Didn't work before I posted. But I had to do it twice for one room to finally get it to work. Thanks Joe.
  17. Thanks for your time. My defaults are correct but when you click on each room you get 120 for the ceiling height on floor 3.
  18. I have 3 areas on the 4th floor & do not want to change any of there current value. So how to change the 3rd floor without messing up the 4th floor?
  19. Plan attached. Somehow the 3rd floor got changed to 120" & I need it to be 114". All my attempts have messed up the floor above. What is the solution please? Thanks MacDill
  20. Scott, move them to your youtube channel. Only take you 40 hours or so.
  21. They said no. Thank you for contacting us regarding the Legacy ChiefTalk forums. We apologize for the frustration, but because we are in the process of permanently retiring the old ChiefTalk, we cannot allow the creation of new accounts.
  22. Exactly, no ID for the old forum. That forum was already closed when I cam on board.
  23. As a relatively new member I can not get to content on the old forum. i.e. IMO members on this forum should have access to the content on the old forum.