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Everything posted by mthd97

  1. Hi @joey_martin, that is exactly what I am doing.
  2. Thank you @glennw yes that will do, is that in the custom patterns location ?
  3. Hi @DBCooper, was looking at the fill pattern list to apply it to my external brick wall and it is no longer there. I also looked through the custom fill list and couldn’t find it. I settled for the single line angle hatch fill pattern but in the past I used the Metal fill pattern as that method is what we use in our region to depict brick walls. I might take a screen shot to post here.
  4. Hi, I was working in CAX10 and I wanted to apply the metal double line angle hatch pattern to a wall but couldn’t find it. Was it removed sometime in the past or is it still hiding somewhere ?
  5. Hi @TDzine, Home designer Professional by Chief Architect is an option to look at. I don’t think that is subscription based at least last time I looked anyway. You could probably just keep using X13 till enough new features are in HDP ? I hope the decision to go subscription only for CA full doesn’t lead to a mass exodus to other CAD products. Subscription based is a pretty level playing field there in the USA at the moment.
  6. It’s not always perfect in CA on my machine but works extremely well in my other CAD app.
  7. Hi @ValleyGuy, yes definitely a game changer and I have installed CAX10 & X15 trial on my Mac too. I have a cordless space mouse with my left hand and a cordless Cadmouse on my right and a number key pad at my left and a small keyboard on the right (Key pad and key board in the middle). If we are restricted to 4 on the radial commands, you can create different instances or groups of 4 commands if you want to. Smoother navigation in 3D is great when it is all set up correctly. I couldn’t go back to just using a mouse to navigate. Those tools are especially designed for CAD professionals.
  8. We probably know that this depends on how the pdf was created. Vector (lines) or Raster (Pixels). Please see this excellent AutoCAD video for an explanation on converting vector pdf files to dwg. It helped me understand better.
  9. True ! but he might also be using a simple garage as an example of one of the problems he is having with using CA. We all know that is not a valid reason alone to jump ship. We all have a right to make choices about that CAD tools we will use for our work. So that’s up to him because I am sure he will get frustrated when he sees how much extra time it will take to do a simple job in R rather than CA.
  10. Hi Terry M Stephens, It’s cool to use another CAD app if that is certainly beneficial to your workflow going forward in your private business. Many of us also use other CAD apps too. I was just highlighting that an auto reversing a wall problem is not really a big enough reason to give up on CA and call it “Nonsense”. As you may well know, the program defaults to that action under certain conditions. The system inside CA is designed to be very user friendly, fast and to get to the final result quickly. With more sophisticated CAD/BIM apps, we will have to put more time and effort into learning how to use them correctly in order to be efficient. Changing apps may solve some problems but will indefinitely create others for us. All cool !
  11. Hi Glenn, what’s OP stand for ?
  12. Hi all, it’s a bit late but I would do it this way. Depending if I am lowering the floor ceiling height or expanding it ? I would group select the roof planes and set them to the new height level. Then edit the floor defaults (not individual room defaults) first. Then see what happens in 3D and make any needed adjustments to the model. Of course after reviewing this excellent video from a little while back to see how CA works with floor ceiling height defaults.
  13. Sometimes the very newest Mac OS can have its glitches and that’s why I am still using Ventura at present. My machine came out with Monterey installed. I am very pleased with my change to Mac, I should have done it years ago. I really like how CA works on MAC.
  14. That’s funny, in Australia they used to call the English Australians Skippy. BTW I am not the one jumping up and down over a simple thing like “auto wall flipping”. I am merely stating that if the program is being used correctly it should not be flipping the walls for you hopefully ? It certainly would be great if you could post your template as has been suggested above so that they can rectify it for you. It’s all cool if you want to use “R”. Just be warned that there are lot of things that it cannot do that CA can do, like auto timber framing for one. I have only used a demo version of “R” in the past and it seems like a good program for structural steel engineering on commercial projects. Every CAD program has its own particular limitations and strengths. We employ the CAD products that works best for our own unique business model. True I have had issues with CA too but I accepted its limitations after trying to resolve my issue with help here and from the training videos. All good !
  15. Hi, I recently went over to a new Mac Studio M1 from an old windows 10 HP PC. I downloaded the CAX15 windows version trial on my HP, the program worked but my video card did not produce the 3D camera views. It produces the 3D views with X10 though. So I just uninstalled it from my HP. I then installed the X15 trial version for Mac on my M1 Studio and it all works fine. I am not sure why you would need to have windows 11 installed also on your MAC because CA will still open CA windows files on Mac too ? What operating system do have installed on your M2 Macbook ?
  16. You may have heard the saying “that a bad tradesman always blames his tools”. First we must learn how to use our tools correctly. I’m am very sure if you went over to the “R” word you will probably use the “F” more often. Probably just a simple user error. That has never happened to me in 25 years of using CA.
  17. Hi there, I may have thought that you were in New England Tamworth Australia ? There are few places around the world called “New England”. Anyway all the best with your project.

  18. Yes I agree and it would certainly be very nice to see these common stair types made available in CA. Perhaps someone could create a visual list in the suggestions forum of the common stair types needed ?
  19. I got a space mouse last year with a CAD mouse wireless compact. They are great to use and work differently in each type of CAD application. I am interested as to how you find it to work with CA ? I seem to prefer mouse navigation in the 3D window, probably because that’s what I am used to in CA. I am always ready to learn new tricks in CA with a space mouse.
  20. I think it would be great to have more customisation for common stair types but you have to draw the line somewhere. With a highly radical stair design, you are probably better off creating it by some other means ? Let’s face it, you can’t create every stair type out there with the main function in the program.
  21. That’s cool ! We all look forward to seeing the improvements in X16.
  22. Read that post above and you can get a tiny glimpse of what is coming in X16 from the VP.
  23. I have been doing them the old way since V6. DJP did a video a while ago that shows what we basically do. It’s not quite perfect and there are other ways of getting around it. But here is his excellent video on that old method. If anybody has a more accurate method then please post.
  24. Hi Mark. I didn’t mean that the WMR would cut your siding out. I meant that if it had a negative value in the ML, so that it would deduct from the total area of your siding. My other suggestion was to have no siding at all, on that particular Gable as others have suggested above. Then use a WMR to draw the siding that you need in manually and look for it in the ML calculations. Anyway you have figured it out by the looks ? Yes it would be good if we had a method of cutting out materials to stop them from making the ML inaccurate. One of the Chief Masters here might have a trick or two up their sleeves, to get that roof that meets that gable to cut out that siding triangle that you do not need ?