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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. You might have better results if you post the plan that you are having trouble rendering. Using those setting I posted, if you results are bad there is something else going on that is stepping on the quality. Also post some images of what your renders look like now. Save the file with the camera saved and named so testing can be done apples to apples.


    The renders attached are some that I was doing today to check some material comparisons. Rendered out at 2000px wide with 8 passes and each took about 11 mins.

    Exterior comparison.pdf

  2. Hello Peanut Gallery Nuts,


    I was killing time this morning with my third or fourth best source of entertainment (DS Hall Youtube Channel) while icing my thigh due to my old man baseball game injury. (BTW, I broke a bat swinging at an inside pitch last week so either I am a stud or that was a really good pitcher. We lost the game which is a hint.)


    In one of his vids he mentions the Auto Detail tool which I have never used. Again, similar to my broken bat. So I am experimenting with the tool and it brings up a few questions.


    1. That piece of insulation sticking out of the roof. Seems easy to fix by grabbing the polyline and adjusting. Is there a way that this does not need tweaking besides making a flat roof?


    2. Window headers. Where the heck to I adjust that for a single 4x member above the window?



    Alan (a swing and a miss) Lehman




    test plan for auto

  3. When I first was learning Chief I bought 4 hours of one on one training from Chief. I used that training over about a 2 week period. I was actively working on my first project and generating a lot of questions. I would package those questions and get very specific help on the areas where I was getting hung up. I found this worked quite well. After that I went to this forum for a lot of help.


    You will find that if you ask a thoughtful question and provide a plan file and any images that can communicate the question well, you will probably get an answer back on this forum within an hour or two. Giving your question a clear title relating to the question will help you. A title like "Ahhhhhh, Help" is quite unclear. "Poly line won't connect" is clear.


    The key for me in learning CA was time at the computer. It does take a lot of time and consistent work on the program to pick up speed and find efficient methods that work for you.

  4. The image you are showing (if you built it from scratch in CA) is 4 to 5 objects and one texture. It should take about as much time to build directly in CA as to search it on the 3d Warehouse.