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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. I am looking to automate my changes to the layout page table. In the case I am running into, adding a page is affecting my subsequent pages. I a looking to replace where I have A14 with something like A %macro% that points to the number of the actual page (14) so that when I add another page at (9) or somewhere else, the sheets will reorder accordingly.





  2. In regards to what Lew suggested: you could also find some very thin parchment, place it on top of your monitor and trace what you see in Ox blood. Then start feeding a small horse until it is mature enough to carry you and the parchment pages to the building department.


    Sorry Lew, (please take it in fun banter) but your method does sound like creating a problem due to blurry text after the pdf (lossless compression) is taken to a high loss process.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I am using the layout page title information to place the text for my title block. Is there an efficient way to get the lines of text to return. As shown, I am breaking the title "Perspective Views". I would like it to look more like:


    Something plan
    Something else plan


    Rather than:


    Something plan, Something else




  4. If the landing does not snap right to the edge of the stair it will not connect properly. There are a lot of variations of what could be happening and it is hard to surmise without viewing the plan file. Post your plan file and I am certain someone will be able to solve the problem.

  5. Faith, your question is leaving a little too much to the imagination. For a better chance at getting a clear answer you can post the plan plus  some images of what you are trying to achieve and where you are having problems in the model. Without those basic elements your question borders on being a Koan.