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Posts posted by Gawdzira

  1. A solid with a curve in one or two directions is not a big problem. I have done this sort of thing with solid subtraction. What I see in that image is a shape that appears to be a hyperbolic paraboloid. Yusuf will likely prove me wrong but I don't think we can make a hyperbolic paraboloid in CA. Also, I got to use the term "hyperbolic paraboloid" in a sentence and so I get extra credit in my architectural dweeb account.

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  2. Get GIMP and learn how to use it. That is what will help you make bump maps and such. Also to adjust materials and grout colors in your tile materials. Creating very realistic renders takes a lot of skill and time. CA has a very good training video on bumping up the quality of your materials in prep for rendering. Since you have X7 I am guessing that you don't have SSA?

  3. I have always found the dimensions to be accurate. My models on the other hand.... And so I often do what Richard suggested. I force a dimension to be what I want by drawing a small cad line parallel to dimension extension , move the dimension string to that cad line end point and then adjust the cad line with the dimension string. I almost never do this with a wall but often do it for set back lines and other items that need a dimension but not model accuracy.


    If you have walls that are not correct when dimensioned, you probably have walls in the wrong location.

  4. I agree it would be nice to have more items available in the electrical drop down. Here is a method to add some custom clickable items to your tool bar. You can also customize the icon so that you can grab them  without too much guessing.


    After you place that "Place Library Item" button, double click it to set it up.



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