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Everything posted by Evolution

  1. Glenn, I didn't think I'd ever get the roof right. Then after we worked on it so long, they changed it again! YOUR help was priceless!!!! Thanks,
  2. The Client sent a photo update of the Lake House. It is so neat to see it taking shape, and actually looks like the plans. Photo Lake House from the Lake.pdf Lake House from Lake.pdf
  3. Evolution


    Have you looked at the knowledge base? https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00430/changing-the-riser-height-of-stairs.html
  4. Thanks Mark. I've had to table it for now, and by the time I get back to it, probably won't need it. I will keep it to work on later (when I do get the time). Thankfully this is not a mandate from the client. Ha!
  5. Jon and Mark, they sent me the CAD file first (I imported w/all cad blocks, maybe I should have turned them off) anyway, the Furniture sent the Furniture she said it was the 3D cad block but it doesn't import that way? I don't need anything but her furniture for what I'm currently task with. And, Mark, for whatever reason when I attempt to attach the furniture cad block using browse, it won't let me even select that file although it is saved in X8. I may have to down load the original to a thumb drive and then do the browse, I don't know. Thanks,
  6. I can't get the saved furniture cad blocks to post. Even though I select and open they won't attached. They're not that large, Is there some way to drag them from one plan into the other already posted and repost?
  7. A project I'm working on for my day job, I have imported the cad blocks of furniture for the admin area I was attempting to use for a 3D model to present to the client, whom wished not only to see the offices but the exact furnishings that we would be providing. Attempts to get the 3D to show the furniture not working, and I am a little behind the 8-ball trying to determine if it is even possible to convert the Cad block into a usable Chief 3D image? Both plans won't attach at the same time so I posted the cad of the floor plan and a second post may allow me to post the Furniture cad blocks. HF MHS Admin offices.plan
  8. Long story short, (my day time job) I sketched up a proposed optional use of a space for one of my projects. Tie-in of the new wall (6" framed with DW both sides and in-fill in an existing opening) to existing 29" thick exterior walls. Obviously, the new all is not supposed to break into the existing wall as shown, but with all my trying I have not been able to pull it back. I am aware the interior of the room is incomplete, that's not the issue as I will work on finishing it once I know what they want on the walls. Plan attached, and thanks! HF MHS Librarian work_stor Opt 1.plan Librarian Office_workroom.pdf
  9. Todd, take Glenn up on the Skype offer, believe me it will really help. Zip the plan or put it on cloud and send it to him to give him a few seconds to play with it, I believe it will be time well spent. Be prepared for the time difference though, it's a killer!
  10. Your office uses companion programs (along with CA) to accomplish the port folio of work on your web site, correct? I've done several very small (athletic center, small 3Ksqft type stuff).
  11. Check this out: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/8174-chief-for-commercial-where-do-you-think-it-lacks/?hl=commercial
  12. Check this out: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00650/creating-a-curved-barrel-ceiling.html
  13. Joe, seems to me span would be associated with a header, or beam, or lintel something of that nature, not a column but I could be wrong? If you had large openings and you selected and opened the corresponding dbx would that possibly provide access? Just a thought
  14. I went ahead and loaded it on my SP4. So far so good. The MS forum I'm on continues to get others stating they're having the problem of shutting it down and then not being able to wake it up or turn it on without a hard reset. The hard reset didn't work on my other one, hopefully I want have to deal with it on this replacement. I really love how responsive it is with CAX8 so far.
  15. My surface pro 4 i7 was only 18 days old and operating great. I decided to load x8 on it. First day or two wonderful! WOW fast as lightning and so portable. It died over the week end (wouldn't turn back on) and MS tech attempted to help but to no avail. I've since returned it to the retailer and, now have a new replacement. Cutting to the chase, I am about to load X8 on this one, but thought maybe I should ask if anyone on the forum using the surface pro had encountered the same or similar issue. I did do the MS forum and it seems a large number of folks had the same experience but they don't say if under the same circumstances. not just the 4 i7, but others also). Has anyone on the forum had it happen to them? Thanks!
  16. T-square, you know that Chief now has the rental purchase plan for around $199 a month you can get the latest vs w/SSA. Cost a little more that way but was easier for me to come up with the cash a little each month (about 14 months I think) in stead of the full amount. Just in case you hadn't thought about that?
  17. Jerry, I stand to be correct, but I don't think the client with the viewer can load an editable plan from the viewer for anyone with a compatible CA X version? I really don't remember now but when a client of mine asked to view the plan with his builder, I prepared the plan for the X6 viewer, loaded it to my drop box, and he down-loaded the X6 viewer and then the drop-box plan and used the viewer to give his builder an idea where we were with design, and early pricing information for budget prep.
  18. You have to enter your software license key IS your password.
  19. kjell, you may have better results if you email customer service (not sure since you are out of country USA) what they can do, but they might be able to offer a link for you to connect to in order to pay the SSA. I checked my digital locker and my X8 beta copy is there waiting for me to down load.
  20. Hm..........I received a notice that mine expires Feb 24 2016, but I could renew early and get a discount to which I responded if I renewed early, that would mean my SSA would then be good until Feb 24 2017 to which CA sales responded that is correct. I need to save $50 so I renewed just now on the phone and already have my receipt showing my SSA good until Feb 24, 2017.
  21. Actually it is $445 and I just did mine over the phone just a minute or two and done!
  22. I am looking into software app for my surface pro4 i7 I can use in my PM roll when in the field doing my walkthrough/constructioin administration part of my responsibilities, that will allow me to up load my plans to my SP4, and allows me to make field notes tied to the plan, along with normal documentation when notes and photos that I can tie to specific areas in the project to my plans. I am researching plangrid now, but asking if any of you long time chiefers have any knowledge of a particular product that has worked well for you or someone you know? I know I could load a PDF on my SP and use it without using my CAX7, but I've never tried it with taking photos and connecting them to the plan etc. Thanks for any helpful input!
  23. Not sure, but couldn't you also create a custom electrical fixture/device folder and added it under either your electrical as a sub folder or in your library under custom library objects?