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Everything posted by Evolution

  1. CS-I did. It is recording just fine now. The play back became a problem when I open the dbx and changed it from TV and Videos to the Windows video player it works fine now. I'm just working on how to modify it once I've actually created it to adjust the frames and views. Practice makes it better (not perfect yet)
  2. So I opened the walkthrough properties DBX, and changed the play back to windows vid player, and now the walkthrough plays fine. I changed it back to default and got the error message again, so I reset the playback method to the windows player and we'll see what happens from there. I think this issue has been resolved but I don't know how to show that on the new forum layout.
  3. I recorded a walk through of a plan I've just started not many doors windows etc, I just walked through walls and into rooms to see how it would work. So, in the recording stage everything seemed to go as expected, however; when I go to play it back now I get the error message states "Can't play" "This item was encoded in a format that's not supported." 0xc00d5212 I guess this is a MS code? I've attached the walk through if anyone would try to play it back and see if you get the same error message? Remember the plan is a long ways from being complete just an experiment with the XvID codec. 807 Bayou Vista Dr.avi
  4. Ok, I've got the XvID codec down loaded from the official site. I'll try another walk through and see if we still have issues.
  5. Think I got rid of the flashing pop up telling me my Windows driver may be out of date. I did do a system scan that shows all window drivers are up to date. I do need to download Xvid codec though so hopefully I can find a safe site to down load it from.
  6. Thanks chop. I can't get rid of that pop up (unless someone in chief land can walk me through) the steps. Once I clicked on the XvID download and the pop up started flashing my machine was probably infested then. So far nothing has stopped working, but the flashing pop up has not gone away and the only option I have at the moment is to select Yes, which I haven't done. I went to system to see if there were files or anything else where I could stop it or delete it but nothing appears there. I am sure it is not from a legitimate driver web site for Windows but I am at a loss as to how to get rid of it now
  7. The only codec I have according to the render preferences is IYUV or MS - CRAM. I went to the XVID link and attempted to download that codec, but a pop-up keeps opening preventing me from down - loading until I select yes to scan for a MS driver update from a site I'm not familiar with and the last time I did that I was hit with a virus that wiped out my old machine. I ran a scan on my tablet and according to it my Windows driver is up - to - date. I did a search for another XVID link, which appeared to be their official site, started to down - load from there, same thing keeps happening a message stating I need to let it scan my system for Windows driver update. I am not tech savvy so I hate to go any further to avoid the possibility of another virus infecting this machine.
  8. On my past Lake house project (last year) I did 3D walkthroughs for the client, which he ranted and raved about WOW!!!! That was in X7. I thought I'd brush up on my skills a bit in X8, so I took the little floor plan I made of my granddaughters new kitchen (not a complete home model just the kitchen) and experiment. First I attempted to use the walk through path, (studied the KB before I started even watched a video). I attempted using the left mouse button starting and stopping, I kept getting a number of camera icons, but not 1, 2, 3, 4? All I was getting was 1, 2, and 1, 2 again and again and I knew that wasn't correct. I attempted it with the same tool, this time placing the camera at point a - left clicking, then right clicking the mouse, dragging and clicking seem to work fine, until I selected the resultant spline and then selected make the walk through from the path I get an error message that says it is an unknown error, and when I attempt to see what the fix is, the message states there is no known fix. Ok, so I attempted another walk through, this time using the spline method. All went well, until I clicked on the spline - path, then make walkthrough from the spline, gave it a file name, clicked ok, same error message. I've attached her little kitchen plan file although you most likely won't be able to create the same "error". Kristine Kitchen Floor plan.plan
  9. Clare, What I did was delete the small piece of roof Rick added, then did roof break in the hip and drug that edge around to the ridge and it worked. Steve & Tereas Oslund Exist roof 2- roof edit.plan
  10. Since the Chief Talk forum has changed I can't post Plan files although I can post PDF clips ok. I couldn't get the plan file to even attempt to attach. I'll keep trying. What I did was delete the small piece of roof Rick added, then did roof break in the hip and drug that edge around to the ridge and it worked.
  11. Clare this is what I think you need. Especially since you have a hip dyeing into a gable end (a flashing nightmare without the cricket). The forum won't let me post your plan back, but I will give it another try after I post this. Clare roof fix 2.pdf Clare roof fix 1.pdf
  12. I can now attach files, however; I am unable to insert thumbnails. What's the trick there?
  13. Dudley, I've attached my attempt at helping. IF you would please check the attachment to see if this is more like what you're after. Also as I was working on the plan, I noted on the end deck at what would be the plan north end there is an attic wall (I didn't build it) and I couldn't get rid of it. I opened the rail / wall dbx and checked on the attic level and it shows up as an attic wall if though there is no gable wall etc., checked there, and I unchecked the attic wall def but it won't go away. Maybe I'm the only one that had it show up? Dudley's plan.pdf Dudleys 16x34 Ranch 1114168ft.plan
  14. Jon, you are using edge with no issues? Any trick to uploading files?
  15. Dan, I was able to upload the attached PDF, but when I attempted to Load my X8 plan file nothing happens. Dudley's plan.pdf
  16. I'm using Microsoft edge. Before the migration I was able to select files and upload with little issue. Now I can't get anything to attach.
  17. Since the change, I can't get any attachments to open and attached to my replies. I attempted dragging them but the .plan file doesn't do anything. The PDF's attempt to attach however about half-way through the process I get error that the attachment failed. Also tried attaching .plan files and the pdf via the paperclip. The PDF will attach, however the plan file although it is considerably less than the 25MB limit will not attempt to attach.
  18. My zipped plan wouldn't open. So after uploading I was able to go back and at least get the plan file to attached. BTW, I had to raise the gable end window up some so it wouldn't be below the roof line on the end deck Dudleys 16x34 Ranch 1114168ft porch repaired.plan
  19. Dudley, I've repaired the plan (I believe) maybe before the guru's got to it. Any way, I copied the facia height of the house, used that for the ridge height of the porch roof, then copied pasted into the roof dba. Added the end roof by manual roof tool, used the facia height and top of ridge for it as well. Also, your deck rail and beams weren't generating correctly because you had our steps pulled up to far. Once I backed them off rails and post generator properly. I attempted to attach the CA X8 plan but for some reason it won't attach. I've zipped it up and attached. After I upload the response I will attempt it again. Dudley's plan repaired.pdf Dudleys 16x34 Ranch 1114168ft porch repaired.zip
  20. I'm sure you've already checked this out? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00673/creating-corner-windows.html or
  21. A pic would certainly help, but posting the plan (even if you have to strip it down) would likely be quicker unless the REAL guru's on here have experienced it first hand?
  22. Here is a 3D from X8, and construction photos from back in the Spring, with the similar elevation taken from their boat dock, the other from the hill in the front going down to the house. For CA.pdf
  23. Cool! My lake house project would fit right in there!!! ;-)
  24. Curt, be sure to post some updates as you go. I love seeing mine being built! While in design, I sent several 3D walk through video, plus they down-loaded the CA viewer, which made it great to collaborate on line with them and reduced the face to face meetings. They also used them to visit with the local code folks where they were building and it reduced the hassle of getting advance approval or some things they wanted to do. It also helped when they brought their builder to the table......he was blown away with it all and what he thought would be impossible to build, became a PIECE of CAKE so he said, because as I developed plans and details, like 3D framing, he could actually see how he could build it instead of wondering how he would! I give credit to Glenn Woodward for his invaluable tutoring on the roof design effort especially when I was under the gun the get the early CD's out for budget pricing!
  25. Alex, see my attached sketch for the wall sections the lines I've marked appear to be the bump outs that you created in the area you call the "Squirrels Nest". If you move your section camera in and out you will see what I mean. I have to get back to work, and am not sure what the lines are in your Elevations. What I have found in the past, when similar conditions show up in my plans, I have stray line that was caused by some drawing action I did, some causes I found, some I never did! Hope this helps some? I did do the glass house and that's what led me to look at the bump outs. I moved your camera position and they disappeared, when I move it back they reappeared. ALEX QUESTION ON CA.pdf