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Everything posted by raltd9245

  1. Thanks much. what graphics card can I get for $500.00 price range
  2. What is a good suggestion for a budget priced cad machine? THANKS
  3. I looking to build a new desktop and am wondering which graphics card is the best bank for the buck in the mid-range price point.THANKS
  4. Is it me or Have I lost libs during upgrades. I check to bring along my old libs with each upgrade. today i was looking for a three tub commercial which I've used in the pase it isn't there. can anyone help with my problem. Thanks Ron
  5. a great solution for a MATURE Program!!!!!!!!
  6. Lew, "It can't be done!!! Like my drill Sergeant said "the only cant.is cant right and cant left. I believe that the brains at chief cou;d if so motivated. Windows and construction details are up to the designer. Ron
  7. you are 100% incorrect. ask chief for the number of architects that use their program, I think you would be surprised at the number. I order for Chief to grow they need to market all fields not just builders.
  8. You are absolutely correct Lew. Happy New Year.
  9. How many of you all feel that we need a circular stair design like other stairs instead of the basic symbol that CHIEF provides. The symbol, in my mind is sorely lacking. If you agree maybe we can contact CHIEF to add same to X-13. Thanks
  10. Why, at this late date can I draw walls in chief. Only vertical walls auto, time to update chief, please.
  11. This old man keeps forgetting how to resize the cursor where does reside THANKS
  12. Thanks much. really appreciated
  13. I downloaded the attached DWG but it does not seem to be imported and used HELP. Or does anyone have a symbol they will share? Eames_Lounge (1).dwg
  14. I asked this question last week without an answer. Why doesn't Chief have a spiral Stair designer similar to the one we have for straight stairs. The Lib symbol is totally lacking. I'm at a loss as to why more users aren't unhappy with the present situation. Am I just the crazy old man of the group? I do use a lot of spiral stairs in y residential design and would very much like to have the ability to design them to my liking. All input by the group will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ron
  15. or better yet the brains at Chief acknowledge a gap in their stair tools and give us a spiral stair app. PERIOD!!!!!!
  16. Great, I do not seem to have that kind of time. It burns me up that Chief does colored clothes hangers but can get around to supplying us with the proper tools. Making your own model is great but how easy is it to adapt to change in floor heights and size of stair.
  17. I asked this question last week without an answer. Why doesn't Chief have a spiral Stair designer similar to the one we have for straight stairs. The Lib symbol is totally lacking. I'm at a loss as to why more users aren't unhappy with the present situation. Am I just the crazy old man of the group? I do use a lot of spiral stairs in y residential design and would very much like to have the ability to design them to my liking. All input by the group will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ron
  18. I have a layout with details pertinent to the job at hand. I'm able to upgrade as needed on the project at hand.
  19. i kind of old school. I import pic trace over with a line drawing, add street names and site location. Then I erace the pic. Whole process takes about three minutes or less.