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Everything posted by raltd9245

  1. lets hope this is a work in progress and that the programmers get the kinks worked out in a timely manner.
  2. I agree most of the time, but not all of the time. Some people like me don't know when to shut up. But that's life.
  3. i could not find it in my searches. I to use the feature every time I log on. I can understand the history of to much data but the complete change in format is beyond me at the moment. I may not be understanding the rationale behind all the changes. I would assume that "cutting the cord was more expedient for Chief
  4. Dan, I joined this without realizing what was really happening. I con't seem to find a way to change my handle. Ron Ravenscroft
  5. I'm not quite sure what this is. Can I assume that the old chat is gone.

    1. Alaskan_Son


      I'm not sure what its for either. Only access seems to be by floating over someone's name and there seems to be no way of getting notifications if and when there are any comments added. I just use the forum itself and the private messenger.