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Posts posted by buzzsaw204

  1. up til now i've using the keyboard Arrows for help move (push/pull) objects in 1" increments.


    and it's working fine up til 20mins ago, in middle of working, the increment changes from 1" and now it's 3" increment.


    have i changed the increment setting somewhere that i dont know.


    Grid Snap?? Increment Snap?? wheres this setting located?


    opened another plan, and it's fine at 1" still









  2. If it's in your user catalog then you or someone else created it, you can just right click on it, and delete it. It's not something in Chief's catalogs, if it was then you or someone changed it. Tip:, you really should name your blocks so you know what they are.


    the problem is ....

    the user block in User Catalog is corrupt.

    it wont let me right click to bring up the "Reanme'\'Delete' menu.....just by clicking on it, it crashes...


    Yes, i alway rename the block to a specific name after it's been created.

    again, the block is corrupt....i cant right click to bring up the "Reanme'\'Delete' menu

  3. hi,



    it seem that i have corrupt user block, (block 130) that i cant access.


    my application crashes when i click onto that block.

    i cant access it to delete it, cant Right click to "Delete".


    is there a method of deleting a User Catalog>block outside the application?

    does the user blocks sit in some  Folder,  somewhere??






  4. delivering a digital format instead of paper to the end user (framer, plumbers, electricians)

    you're talking about changing an industry practicing standard.

    possible to do. but so is landing on Mars. that is possible too.

    just takes effort and ppel's willing.

  5. another Unit question...


    i used the PolyLine Label to show the Hatched area.

    the unit is in 0.12345657 Decimal places.


    where is the Setting to change this to 0.12...




  6. i dont know if you use at the Fields in you Client Info....


    but what i do is, i just substitute one of the Field to be my Project Title. and use that accordance Macro.


    since im the only one using my files and not sending any another consultant. 

    i just know and keep track if the fields im using.


    serves the purpose for me...




  7. I've been running into a few bugs in X8. Not sure if this is a bug or if I've missed a setting somewhere on the wall or foundation. See pics.


    what is it that you're trying to accomplish or trying to convey??

    what is that you think that a "few bugs"??

  8. My HP Pavillion g series from 2010 is not getting the job done anymore. Does anyone have a recommendation for a specific computer that would have what I need to run Chief Architect, efficiently and quickly? I'm so tired of waiting around for renderings to load, and sometimes 3D won't load at all.  


    I also would really like a PC and not a Mac. I just like PC better.


    THANK YOU in advance!


    You can have a 2008 Mac is will out perform a 2018 PC.


    Keep an open mind about PC vs Mac.

  9. hi,


    the Framing Label and the Floor Beam Label, are automatically placed in the "Framing, Labels" layer. 


    because i want the Beam to show, but not its Labels, on my Framing Layer Set


    is there any way or manually separate those 2 labels on its own layer?



    Framing, Joist Labels

    Framing, Beam Labels


    is there any way to control Label layer? like Doors and Windows have its own Labels Layer


