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Posts posted by buzzsaw204

  1. By the way, you shouldn't lose your room definition simply by turning off those invisible walls.  I think you might be mistaken.  It works for me.  You could also just do that and draw a polyline around that room if you wanted. 

    yes, i know that you dont lose the Rm Def. lines. 

    what i meant is that....if it's turned off, theres no Line defn. for the Porch area.


    yes, you're right. just manually draw Rectangle using CAD Line. thats what i was trying to avoid to have to do.

  2. hi,


    i would like to make a button for a certain size for Hinge Door, or all other Door types


    as of right now, if you want to insert 30" door, you would need to change the Door Width, then insert. or inserted then change the width.


    is there a method to create a Customize Button in the Toolbar to perform this task. to have multiple preset width....

    button for [24"] Door,  [28"] Door,  [30"] Door,  [32"] Door,  [36"] Door, 
    then you can select that Door size you'd want to insert.
  3. Actually - I do know what the problem is.  Chief's oob Anno Sets are confusing.  Very Confusing.....


    thank you! wendy.


    it you're a new user and just starting on CA (like myself).


    and jump into the preset Annote Set of CA . you would be totally screwed!!!! 


    the preset is sooooo mesed up the way CA have it.


    i think this is why we have this thread. people dont have a clue to how and why the way it's set up and can't follow their methodology.


    and i would have to have a fulll understanding on Layer Sets, Dimension Set, and Text Style Set to fully use Annote Set.


    to have the CA presets as starting point is horrrrrrible way to start learning about Annote Set, IMO.


    i have to delete all the CA presets and start fresh with just one Default Set and start learning it from there.

  4. Cleaning out my office I found my old X10 key.  I am willing to part with this relic for the price of $0.38  OBO .......  and if you beg nicely,  I just might give it to you for free.......  it's so small I could mail it to you.  


    A photo of the illustrious key is below.

    Isn't that weird,  it still has the sticker on it......  


    email me at 


    just curious....X10???  are we just at X7 right now?? 

  5. I set 10 anno-sets up in 10 minutes, its really a lot of just copying and checking what and how you want something to show.


    how much preconceived knowledge you already have of tother topics (Layer Set, Text Style, Dimmension Style, etc) 

    and your company's standard practice( layering color, layrering names) before you would commit to making a Template.


    can you just OR would you want to just....jump in and whip up 10 annote set.

    if you're novice a user, unsure of a color or linetype or layer name......

  6. at a minimum, i think Chief should have a 5-10 min Training video on Annote Set alone.


    to explain the concept and fundamental of it. i'm not sure if they have it in SSA. but defenilyt should be a free training.


    Wendy;s video on this topic is, again, amazing!! thank you, wendy! 

  7. .....posters on this forum represent a very elite user group and can sometimes forget about new users and the steep learning curve Chief possesses. They also forget that the percentage of users who even use Anno Sets, let alone understand them,....

    this was my next point. you hitted!!!


    like i said....i consinder myself an advanced Architectural CAD user, before started using CA. and learning from zero knowledge of it.


    i have enough skill now (but still learning) to produce a set of design to construction plan.


    i find that, as a new user CA, and as the subject of this thread....



    up until today, and writing this post....


    i did have a good unstanding of Annote Set, but never bother using it. i alway thought that im not getting the full picure on how to use it. and was missing steps or not doing it right.


    after watching Wendy;s Annote video 1-10.  it validated to me that i do know the concept of CA Annot Set. (thanks, wendy for those awesome vid :))))

    • Upvote 1
  8. I set 10 anno-sets up in 10 minutes, its really a lot of just copying and checking what and how you want something to show.

    yes. it can be done.... and i'll you bet you i can do that 10 annot set in 8:49 mins


    if we're having a race in making annot set. and to see how many mouse clicks and dbx screen we can do in a minute span.

    and have a 100% full upstanding of have how Annote set is done and whats need.


    i dont think an Joe off the street can jump into a Indy car and pull off 1:20 Lap time in the Indy race track.

    it would take him a little longer, if at all, he can figure out how to shift the gear in the indy car.


    my point is.....

    for user-friendly, and complexity, and for a beginner / novice user .....this is a challenge to grasp CA Annot method.


    it took me a looooong time figure to use it. and its somthing that you cant just use it outta the box and adapt to your drawing practice.

    • Upvote 1
  9. i think in Wedy's video Chief_15_Anno_8 @ the 0:57 Min mark......


    her voice remarks can sum up the flaws and in-efficiencies of trying to creating Annnotation Set.


    "same thing, put it on that one...oK,  same thing, put it on that one...oK,  same thing, put it on that one...oK, same thing, put it on that one...oK,  " 

    "i have pause this now.....and not make you watch while I DO THEM ALL"  


    creating new layers, changing layer, for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension

    all that steps for customize the ONE 1/8" Scale Annotations.
    now reapeat all that to how many Scaled annotation Set need to have. 

    this is my point of how badly designed and complicated CA Annotation Set method is.

    • Upvote 2
  10. I have the Performance MX and my rechargeable batteries last 1 day., they said 1 week normal use. I use it all day every day, that must not be normal use.

    i have the same mouse.

    the Ikea battery and those lasts about 2-3days, 8-10hr/day

  11.  Or you make them once and save them to your template.

    yes, thats what you would have to do....


    and each time want a new scale you would make copy that template and then apply and adjust the text size and callouts to the scale right?


    i would have a Template Annote Set....Template Annote Set ....copy and rename a set 


    Template Annote Set ....copy and rename a set for 

    1/2" Annote Set > 1/2" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension


    Template Annote Set ....copy and rename a set for 

    1/4" Annote Set > 1/4" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension


    Template Annote Set ....copy and rename a set for 

    3/16" Annnote Set > 3/16" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension


    Template Annote Set ....copy and rename a set for 

    1/8" Annote Set > 1/8" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension.
    and also having a template for all the CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension.
    and have to copy and remame that sub-set of attributes the aocordance scale,  right??
    am i doing that right??
    now if i want to make a slight change in the Annote Set....i cant just make the change in the template and have that change apply to all my Scaled(1/2, 1/4, 3/16) Annote Set.
    i would have go into each indivialdul Scaled Annot set make to change to. 
    OR do the Copy and Rename process all over again.
    isnt better to have a Global Template Annote Set and have scale multiplier factor instead of having the copy and reame process?
    isnt that the logic and benifit of have a Template??
    Template Annote Set   x 1/2" (scale factor) = 1/2" Annote Set > 1/2" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension
    • Upvote 1
  12. hi all,


    do you think have a Global annotation scale size is better then having to create a scale for every scale you wanting to use, like the way AutoCad do theirs?


    having to make individual set for each scale...

    1/2" Annote Set > 1/2" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension

    1/4" Annote Set > 1/4" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension

    3/16" Annnote Set > 3/16" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension

    1/8" Annote Set > 1/8" for CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension


    in CA, you end up having creating endless amount of CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension for each of thos Annotation Set 


    everytime you make new Annotation Set you have to make new set of the CAllouts, Text Size, Richtext  and Dimension. 

    • Upvote 1
  13. I also use layer/anno sets for my live elevations. All line weights controlled before sent to layout.


    hi, just have couple Q. on your drawing posted.


    1. how did you create your Down spouts??

    is that 3D object or CAD line drawn into the elevation??


    2. the hidden lines below grade, is that CAD line as well?




  14. How long do you think it would be prudent to wait before upgrading the Mac OS to El Capitan? Things are working fine on Maverick and hate to rock the boat as far as CA goes.


    10.10 Yosimite is ok with me since it came out. no problems. and faster than 10.9


    i would like to jump into E|Captn too.


    who'll be the first :)