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About solver

  • Birthday 08/01/1958

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    Overgaard AZ

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  1. Eric, thanks again for the  assist.


  2. How can I post images directly instead of a pdf?

  3. thank you for the advise.


  4. How can I display a divider trim on the exterior of a pole shed with steel siding? There is a structure that divides the exterior siding that sort of appears like a chair rail if it were an interior wall surface, but actually is between siding sheets because the sheets are not long enough to cover the entire height of the exterior wall.


  5. Looking for feedback on graphics cards for a new system running R13. I'm building a new system and have skuttlebutt that Nvidia RTX 3080 is the must have videocard. System requirements show 4-8gb minimum recommended for the system but I want to find the law of diminishing returns as these cards go to 32gb and prices are all over the place and mostly overpriced because of the shortage of chips. So I'm looking for feedback on the RDX 3080 line, brand because I find Nvidia and Asus models. Is it better to get one in a built system from Dell for instance or build my own piecing it out. Why is the card recommended so much? Are there any other video cards that are recommended or is the 3080 line it and why?



  6. Hey Eric,

    I just saw your video on $variable in macros.  I can really use that for calculating lot statistics, amount of green space, amount of hardscape, amount of lot coverage from building footprints.

    Thanks for posting that.


  7. Hi Eric,

    Your proposed solution is simple and easy to implement. You made my day.

    Thank you

  8. Thank you!


  9. What happened to the Break Wall Tool in X12?  I used it all the time, now it is not an option?

    1. mmhaupt


      Sorry, after some research, I located the new location.  Thank you.

  10. he means the old school way where architectural scaling was 1/8 " = 1'     1/4" = 1'  and engineering scales like is used on surveys 1" = 30 ' and so on 

  11. I accidentally deleted the thread we were working on about room fill and pdfs and picture files for advertising plan! Thank you @Solver, @Designers Ink, @MarkMc! You all had great solutions to my issue! I wrote CA to see if our thread could be restored in case it would be helpful for others. Thanks for your time and thoughts!I accidentally deleted the thread we were working on about room fill and pdfs and picture files for advertising plan! Thank you @

  12. Yes that is how it needs to read on elevations. where is it modified?

  13. Hi Eric.  I am so very frustrated with my room over room problem.  I have posted an updated plan file with new images of the problem.  Is it possible for you to take a peek and let me know where I am going wrong?   Here is the link to the Q&A post.



  14. Hi

    how to create a hole on a cabinet door ( under sink)

  15. Hey Eric, 

    Being the guru of Auto-roof I wanted to ask, Is it possible to have a shed roof in roof group 0 slope down to a hip which serves as the high shed on a lower garage roof group 1?

    I can do it manually but I could not get it to work with auto-build

    Here is a terrible pic taken by my company owner for reference:



    1. solver


      Not sure I understand how the roofs are set up, but I'm guessing no. 

      What might be handy when using roof groups is roof directives in walls tied to a roof group, so one wall could have multiple roof directives, each tied to a specific roof group.

      All kinds of workarounds used by the Home Designer users that do not have manual roofs.