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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. I attended classes in San Diego a few years back. What was good about that was , you could ask any question you wanted, and get an answer back, kind of one

    on one in the advanced course. You always get something out of it. I still do, except now it from the nice people here.

  2. Joe, is the master of that stuff and Symbol building. Actually the old ChiefTalk post had exactly what I was looking for. It also included the pattern

    lines by Bryce. With Gawdzira's texture and Brice's pattern, it worked great for me. This is why this forum is invaluable


  3. Thanks,Scott

    It may be your apple system handles it different, for me I get at least a 30 second freeze and you know that is forever.

    I have sent all this into TS, lets see if they have any ideas. They should at least send it up the ladder now that others are experiencing the problem but please don't close the ticket until fixed.

  4. Perry,


    I can fix the problem by turning off Auto Build Roof Framing and Auto Build Floor & Ceiling Framing.

    I haven't got a clue why this works - but it does.

    I have tried that but problem come back on my end and I really need them on, that's how I do the design.. Never had a problem before.


    Have a play with these settings and see what happens for you.


    Could have something to do with the Auto Rebuild Walls Floors/Ceiling setting that Alan covered.


    The poly solid error message is coming from your post brackets


    Yes, I knew it was there, just haven't fixed those yet, and I don't think they are causing the problem.


  5. Perry

    Tried a front elev, all fine with labels off, turned on labels and got a freeze up had to hit f12. and same thing when turning off labels.

    however after hitting f12 everything worked fine. I suspect some high graphics requirement in this plan as my card is toward the low end due to machine to be replaced in 6 months.

    Yes, but I have one of the highest cards and still having problems