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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Perry,


    As far as I can tell, this is the only info available for a roof.

    Maybe Jerry can squeeze more info out.

    I know those numbers are in there somewhere b/c they exists in the roof DBX. but we may not be able to access them (locked) Chief please open all Ruby info for us.

  2. if you use the stacking option I mentioned above you wont need to play with the ctrl key or the center tool either.... it will auto align

    That is not correct, you will still need to align the windows, the stacking thing is, so the 2 windows won't show on the same plan, it grays the upper

    window. I know it says a fixed glass window will align but not for me.

  3. I'm pretty sure you can do it with a macro, using the info already in Chief, That's something I would like to have.

    The problem is that, the info you need is probably locked and only accessible to those who know how to get it.

  4. I have the D5 and it does everything I need except for the Bluetooth thing, A while ago I had to upgrade strictly b/c I couldn't read the old green screen very well anymore. The D5 has a black on white screen, very nice.