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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Thx P. I would/have never considered that setting to adjust that cos it ain't a brick ledge , this is where CA's terminology throws me sometimes esp. as a Contractor as I use and know the "real terms" for stuff everyday. I see a setting for a brick ledge ...not want I want so ,move on and never looked further into it as I don't remember the last time I did "brick"...

    On your image you have interior railings as the wall type so esp. in that case I would of assumed Chief would ignore a brick ledge setting or not even show it ,so thx. again. learning something each time I am here.


    Yes I wasn't concerned about wall type, just wanted to show where you could adjust this. Thanks

  2. Siding automatically stops at the bottom of the floor structure whatever it is, which isn't how it is really built but not sure it is worth messing with in Chief to fudge it, but you may need to alter cross section views to be right for planning approval.


    The is fully adjustable in the wall definitions DBX, It also works for drywall, siding whatever. 





  3. JG,


    I am not sure from your diagram, what intersection you are talking about.

    Do you mean like this?


    Use the new Edit Wall Layer Intersections tool. 

    It is made for this situation.


    Not a workaround, listen to Glen, that is the tool for connections, now you can have any connection you want. I thought you wanted just to keep 2 walls from connecting.



    Do you have any specifics as to why chief made more sense to you?

    Well, this was a long time ago and I'm sure things have changed but I have always liked the way Chief put together a set of Construction doc's much better than Softplan. Chief was much easier to learn. Being on my own with no help from anyone, I needed to learn this as fast as I could, I didn't have time to

    mess around learning so I just went to a Class for Chief in San Diego and asked some questions and Bam, it all made sense. This forum is also the best

    there is. Just ask and you shall receive. I wanted to get my money back from Softplan, mainly b/c back then they didn't do mono slabs. Talked to the VP there and he said to keep trying and I did that. Then my refund time ran out. Chalk it up to my stupidity.

  5. You can create a thick wall and create an opening and it will show stucco by changing Some of the materials, it won't frame correctly though. I would use walls, looking at that picture