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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Ok, I am attaching the plan I am working with.  It should be noted that I am not intending to use this plan to generate our actual drawings, and am more using it to model ideas - it is a work in progress, done by a non-professional.  I just can't seem to get it to render sunlight in camera view.  In the meantime I will start a ray trace to see how it looks.  Thanks for the offer to take a look.  I should also mention that I have tried it with a light (deleted in the version I uploaded) and without.

    I was just going by your statement earlier, sometimes the sun will never be the way you want it to be, so in those cases, fake it, just for the view. Who really knows if Chief's sun is totally accurate to begin with anyway. I wouldn't guarantee it.

  2. Joey does a lot of cad embellishments in his drawings and they look very nice, indeed, but I don't have the time to do that kind of stuff and still make

    money. Chief has gotten it pretty good in regards to line weights but auto hangers would be very nice as I have to manually add them to the sections now.

  3. Perry - did you take a 3D view of the symbol? IT is still huge. Not representative of the listed size.

    How did you reduce the size? Did you see that in my plan when you open the symbol the cad block(sconce) was not there?

    All I did was open the cad block insert it and unblock it, reduce it's size and re-block, changed the name. Then opened the symbol and choose the new cad

    block. I did not look at it in 3d. took 10 seconds. To resize the actual symbol you have to resize it in the symbol DBX. You may have to re-size and save it as a new symbol

    there also could be a problem with the symbol

    I'll look at it again.

  4. You have to move the sun on the side where you want the sunlight to go through the window. Easily done using the adjust lights, the sun is in there. I like to put the sun in the corners for good shading, like 225 , 315, etc. but you may need to use a straight on sun to get it to poke through a window.

    You may also check the suns height and lower it for better results

  5. Unfortunately Chief's pocket doors don't frame correctly, you may have to do it manually. As for your problem, I'm not sure what you want to show. If you could show a picture of the problem, that would say a lot.