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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Have some fun and re-generate yourself. Lots of work and X7 coming soon. On your way up look at this very small town called Olancha, believe it or

    not ,I lived there as a kid, they filmed a "twilight zone" in our house. My mom wore a radiation badge b/c we could see the mushroom cloud over the

    mountains. Not many people alive can say they have seen a mushroom cloud.

  2. Joe, would love to hear which setting it was. I have similar issues with material dbx getting behind the main window until I click somewhere again.

    Sometimes my mouse cursor also disappears in the drawing area but is visible again when I'm over the icons.

    I have also seen this condition before, try updating your mouse drivers or just use the generic Microsoft driver and see if that helps. I don't see

    this anymore.

  3. It doesn't

    I was answering his question about a method where he could have a foundation, basement, 1st floor plans that will re-generate the foundation walls correctly. Foundation alignment is then possible. I never put a basement w- rooms on the foundation level.

  4. If you make your bay a separate room then you can use "cantilevered underside" in the materials section. the only problem is that you cant adjust the thickness thus sometimes you get some z-fighting with the flr jsts in the seat. You just have to turn off the flr joists in that view, to get what

    you need.

  5. Yes, I too wish I was more diligent about updating my templates.  I get caught in this same trap all the time too.  Just get so busy and trying to get to the next project all the time.

    I keep my template plans and layouts in my X6 folder so when I come across something not just right, I just open them and fix and re-save for any new jobs. It would be nice if Chief had a "Make default" for everything that would automatically go to your templates

  6. Yes, one way is to make the door a slab type and use hidden hinges and make the door the same material as the walls and remove all hardware. You can use a molding p-line as the base on the door and call it a push open door. also set the jamb to 0"

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