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Posts posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Yes I also like the ASUS's, they make the motherboards on most computers these days, how can you go wrong. They also have interchangeable video card capabilities.



    Would you like to buy me a dual 8 core Xeons, I know up there in Washington, you guys like Bill Gates live up there. Say hi to cousin Bill for me. I was just born there and for some reason my parents left when I was 1. I like cooler and rainier weather. Should have been adopted

  2. What I would do is copy the old plan using edit area copy function ( all floors) and paste it to a new X6 profile plan. You will have to fix up those things that weren't in 9.5 (the new tools). Or it will just change to what defaults you have set for those new items. Then you can change the background color.

  3. Perry:


    But you live in a land where all the fruits and nutcakes have lots of money.  Here almost everyone has a piggy bank and watches Home Time and This Old House.  This is DIY country and lots of folks' budgets are 1/2 or 3/4 the cost to build.


    Every once in awhile, I go and do a custom build on Puget's website and drool a little ... then wake up and go about my business.

    I know, you can draw crappy plans and get lots of money, what a country.

  4. I love my Alienware, bought it several years ago and just upgrade parts as I need them. I paid over 3,000 back then but it has been able to keep up at a fast pace with a few alterations. I've added a 1tb ssd drive,(can't live without one now), and an NVidia 780gtx video card and I'm flying.



    Puget--nice site the system I put together cost $6,000, I better charge more

  5. You have never checked out a book from the library? Never stood at a magazine rack and read an article or column while standing there? These are all classified under intellectual property. Music is the same and how many of us has listened to our friends records or borrowed an album to play at home or at a dance of some kind?


    Most of us Baby Boomers grew up in this kind of world so the idea of sharing similar property is a learned habit. The software industry in it's prime was selling a large number of titles at book stores such as Barnes and Noble. It's no wonder software is viewed in the same way as books. I don't see Random House placing security locks on it's volumes in order to prevent piracy! :-)


    I don't really care either way as I pay my money just as most of us do. The only issue I have is the security costs a lot of money and people like myself must pay the cost without any benefit. We have accepted buying software with bugs as "nothing is perfect" but I have to wonder what would happen if the buying public demanded more focus on bugs and not security.

    Your question didn't ask us anything about all that other stuff, just the book. I bought my own if I wanted it.

  6. Take a back clipped cross section (extended maybe 24" to get a rafter and ceil joists.), and look at it,  and then move it around to get a clean look while looking at the section view at the same time.Sometimes The footings beyond get in the way for a clean foundation so don't get to close to the end walls.

  7. If you want to add electrical to walls in the attic just add a second floor to your plan an uncheck attic walls. You can even create rooms in the attic if you want.  Have an attic plan if you want.

  8. I also do them manually while looking at a 3d view at the same time, while adjusting the baseline height and modifying the framing. Remove the ridge and all fascia and eaves by changing to "0" some will default to 1/16 but that's ok.

  9. The best way for me was to just start drawing and learn as you go. I took a couple of classes and that's all it took. Of course I'm still learning every day. Just learn what you need at first, the other will always be there to learn. Self-employed and had no time

    to learn, just get in there and go.