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Everything posted by parkwest

  1. De nada Very Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
  2. Dude, chill out! I was responding to an earlier post by chopsaw of what might be some features in SoftPlan that might make CA a better CAD program. FYI, I enjoy designing in CA. CA made it fun again.
  3. A big one for me is being able to have wall framing options in Softplan so we can show advanced framing the actual way we want it built. Another big one is Softplan ability to do a full takeoff instead of just a material list. And then the "Options" function in SoftPlan which allows you to upsell a basic design to buyers. Ability to get the lot coverage area with one click in SoftPlan. SoftPlan has a lower computer hardware requirement. I designed and laid out an apartment complex consisting of four 12 unit buildings on a 2.5 acre parcel using my laptop in SoftPlan. In Chief, I had to buy a souped up gamer computer just to design a single fourplex.
  4. You mean we can't redeem those points for cash and prizes?
  5. All CAD programs are a work in progress, otherwise we'd all be using the final version. Why not use more than one CAD program to get the job done for now? DWG import/export makes that fairly easy.
  6. On your cabinet height not lining up, check that they are all set from the same point, ie. finished floor.
  7. I sure hope so. I love using those room bubbles...
  8. Do you know if the new added room names will extend to the space planner?
  9. I found this article on JLC and thought it might be of interest to others...
  10. Thanks everyone! Rich, I wasn't sure where to change the settings until you posted. I was looking in CA... I didn't realize you needed to open the space setting box while being in the program you wanted to adjust the setting for. I had 4 other programs open and it kept changing settings to the current app. Checking the box in CA where the view pivots around the mouse instead of the focal point helps also.
  11. I watched a world war two documentary a couple weeks ago put out by an Australian production company. I was quite surprised when they stated Australia had defeated the Japanese almost singlehandedly with a little support from the USA.
  12. My space Navigator just got delivered... I installed the software and did the training... Now, how do I get it to work with CA? Seems everything is backwards or something. The 3D model doesn't move the way I would expect it to. Thank you for your help.
  13. Thanks Joe... now, if I could just find my CA decoder ring...
  14. I always felt they should layout like an instruction manual in the order of work performed. And each page for that section having all the notes and details on that page so time is not wasted trying to track down vital info on some page in the back when the foundation guy is on the third page in the set.
  15. Please forgive my post above, I assumed you were trying to do something a little more sexier than just wanting to add a backdrop.
  16. If I understand correctly, you might be better served using some kind of photoshop software... instead of a CAD program, to see a visualization of your new patio area.
  17. Where do we go to cash in these points anyway?
  18. I don't get too worked up over trusses since we go by the truss manu. engineered drawings for construction. Our roofplan is more of a guideline, then anything.
  19. OMG, now is there one for showing steam coming off a coffee mug sitting on the counter?
  20. I had problems with tracking time when having computer go to sleep without logging out of CA. Just highlight and delete the obvious wrong time and you should be ok.
  21. Just like driver licenses makes everyone a great driver, or, marriage licenses make for great marriages??
  22. Any examples to back up your gratuitous assertion that more licenses, rules and regulations will lead to more creativity?