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  3. Melissa, Here is a 3x9 chamfer subway for you. if the color is off too much you can recolor/blend with texture. Hope this helps! Melissas Chamfer Subway.calibz
  4. Hey Melissa, for your scale you'll want the "3:1 Tile" in substance player to match ratios to your 3"x9" Target. Once in Chief, we'll need to count the number of tiles in the image we got from substance player and do a little math to get the Scale in Chief. Number of horizontal tiles x Width of Actual Tile = Chief Scale So for this example we have... 8 tiles across the 3:1 tile layout x 9" wide tile. Scale for the material in Chief should be 72". Because the image is square, the vertical scale value will be the same. Let me know if this helps at all.
  5. Thank you! I guess I should have remember the "balloon through" from our last conversation. I still have a little corner up there to cover but I can take care of that easy enough.
  6. This can be pretty complicated because there's no direct connection between the room and the windows. It would require a macro to accumulate the windows into a $Global Hash (including the area & room NVPs). Then a text placed within the room could be designed to display what you've shown along with one more macro to sum the window areas of all windows which are associated with the room from the Hash. I would make the key in the Hash be the Room Name.
  7. Does anybody know an easy way to get this check box into a toolbar?
  8. I have a detailed setup for automating glazing & vent calcs. But first, I highly recommend using Rene's macro page on his's extremely useful. I spent quite a while creating this sucker but I'll share you go: I've attached a simple plan that has everything you need inside. It's pretty darn accurate, far more than any reviewer should care to see. Few things to know - 1. If there is glass in a door, make sure to mark it as tempered in its DBX. However, if it's a hinged exterior door with its style being a symbol that uses glass, it'll always report 30% of its area as glazing. There is no way to accurately measure this since chief can't analyze a symbol like that. 30% is close enough for most doors we use but you can finagle the number yourself if you need to in either that door's custom object field or the glazing_door macro. 2. I keep the schedules in a CAD detail for my layout. You'll want to make a copy of that schedule template for each room that needs to report these values. In the schedule, select the room it's in and add the name of the room to the main title (I wish we could use a macro for the title to save time...). Here's a video walkthrough: Glazing&
  9. For this model, there currently is no need to increase the 2nd floor ceiling height. And, if there is no flat ceiling, then you need to set the interior walls to balloon through. Without that, the top will stop at the ceiling elevation and an attic wall will generate. Hopefully that makes sense.
  10. 2nd Floor: Reset ceiling elevations to the default height. Assign Room types and uncheck flat ceilings. 2nd Floor: Select the wall beside the stairs and uncheck 'Attic Wall'. Set Structure>Ceiling Platform to Balloon through... 2nd Floor: Select the wall at the top of the stairs and set Structure>Ceiling Platform to Balloon through...
  11. The actual color is a specification. The color you want to see is something you may have to adjust based on lots of things involved in the rendering and how you will deliver it. Your lighting is affecting this as well as your monitor settings. Remember, always adjust (A), never fudge (F). -Konrad Von Appen (1st and 2nd year prof.)
  12. I wanted that partial wall to go all the way up as it will be behind a fireplace. But I suppose I could just build it as a polyline solid. It just seems sometimes like as advanced as this program is we still have to say things like "attic walls can be frustrating" and have to find workarounds for certain things. I expect someone will eventually chime in here with a solution and it will all be so simple, but it seems like there are several points in every project where I waste a tremendous amount of time on some little things like this. Anyway, thanks. I will probably just use solids which is the answer to so many of these issues.
  13. Attic walls can be frustrating. For example, the wall beside the stairs on Floor 1 will generate an attic wall that is definitely not what you want. Of course that raises the question about why the stairs are partially but not completely enclosed by walls. Perhaps railing on the right of the stairs would make more sense. Is this what you had in mind?
  14. Ok Makes sense, I didn't see that. But still, why is that wall sticking out like that? I have tried everything including redrawing the whole thing.
  15. Second camera includes attic walls. circled in red.
  16. Oh boy. Learning Macros has my head spinning. I feel it's the next step in my evolution with Chief Architect, but I have having a difficult time following the tutorial. Does anyone have any recommendations on resources that might help? For context, my goal is to try and build a Light and Vent Calculator that when placed in a room formulates the information I need. I've utilized ChatGPT and it has gotten really close, but sadly can't pull the sq. footages from the windows 'associated' with the room resulting in a '0.0%' return. I'm trying to delve deeper into how Chief populates information - but so far I haven't discovered how I can relay the information from the windows in a room to my code. I've reached out to Chief for more insight, but any guidance from the community might help.
  17. I have this weird attic wall sticking out into space. I have tried redrain everything and it it still there. Funny thing is, it only shows up on a full camera or perspective full overview. When I go to perspective floor overview camera it is not there. Wall problem 2.plan
  18. I’ve got a number of porch videos on my YouTube channel.
  19. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  20. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  21. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  22. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  23. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  24. Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
  25. Now is your chances to get a response... Wow, since 2018!! Please support the request below to update the porch floor...
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