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About ShawnCannata

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  1. That is all correct. We always listen to what people suggest, want, and need to be successful, so I will take along with me your thoughts. Thank you! This isn't exactly what you are looking for with the Oculus, but we do have an alternative right now with our Mobile 3D Viewer which allows you to view the plan with VR in camera locations and in AR. And not to be biased but the AR in that is sick. I didn't do it, but I love it.
  2. @BelmontArchitect @nematodeWe do not officially support the Quest. Now this is me speaking personally: I believe it should work just fine if you connect it with the link cable. This should be true for the Quest 2 as well. I haven't gotten my hands on them yet, but as long as it is connected to the PC, it should work.
  3. Hi! I am fairly confident that your problem isn't related to the graphics card. The 480 should be just fine. Often times when Chief is working fine but the headset isn't working as expected, it usually has to do with setup. Due to the way that VR is implemented in Chief, you will need to make sure you have both the Oculus software and Steam. Make sure that VR setup is run in both and your room limits are set (which is done in setup). Have a look at the section "Install Steam and SteamVR" in our article Requirements for Virtual Reality in Chief Architect. Let me know if this works for you or not and we can see what else it could be. Sorry for the troubles. Have a good day.
  4. No problem. Updating to X12 will fix it and is a super solid release. If you have anymore questions or problems, feel free to let me know here or contact tech support. Thank you so much!
  5. Ok, that's what I thought. There is a bug in 21.3 that causes the controllers and the teleportation lines to disappear. This is corrected in the newest version of Chief: X12. There isn't a fix for the lines disappearing in 21.3. Though you can't see the lines, you can still point and teleport to the location as if they were there. I sincerely apologize and if I can help with anything at all, let me know.
  6. Hi! I'm Shawn, the developer of the VR in Chief. What version of X11 are you using? Thank you!
  7. VR is only on Windows as both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive are not supported on the Mac.