Question For The Reference Set Gurus


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I'm just beginning to set up my reference layers and I understand how reference sets work and can set them up quite easily but I am having trouble with how to get the reference information to that set.


I only want certain items to be referenced, do you select each item one by one and set it to the reference layer? Do you set your Anno set to use the reference layer by default?


Here's a stumbling video that I hope makes the question clearer.

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I think you're making this harder than it really is. Anything that you want to show on a floor below (or above) needs to be on a separate layer with others of its kind. However, everything on that layer is going to be shown in the reference set. Say, you want to show holdowns and shear wall annotation from the first floor framing set on the foundation level below. You put all of the holdowns on the the "holdown" layer, and the shear wall annotations on its own layer. (Both could be on a single layer, though, if you wanted) You have a layer set called "Ref Set for Foundation," for example, with only those two layers selected. (Any layer set can be a reference set, BTW.) So, you just go to the foundation plan and turn on the "Ref Set for Foundation" layer set as a reference using the First Floor. You don't need to designate objects individually, other than to make sure they are on the correct layer to display as a reference. BTW, if you send to layout first, you can use the "Plan Tab" for the layout box DBX to designate the reference floor and layer set, so it's a little quicker, I think.

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Thanks very much for the reply Richard.


After reading your post a couple times I think I'm doing just what you suggest. It looks a little messy through the video but I did indeed "put all of the holdowns on the the "holdown" layer, and the shear wall annotations on its own layer. (Both could be on a single layer, though, if you wanted)".


My question was more about how to put those items on those designated layers and it seems like you confirmed that you select each item and put them on the "holdown layer' for lack of a better term, then reference that Layer Set for Layout.


I was just wondering if there was a better way to select each item that goes on the reference Layer Set. 

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I usually just copy another layer-set that is close to what I want, then re-name it Reference--something, so I know its a ref. layer-set. It takes a while to set up but once done , it really done forever.

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Sounds like you and DSH are singing the same tune, and one I too am learning. From his video, Larry has done a lot of setup to position his Annosets for all his needs. One thing I am doing, right are wrong, is to make sure my annoset aatributes all have the correct setting s for CAD, Text, Callouts, etc. so when I am say on my 2nd floor framing annonset and want to create A CAD line it using a unique set of parameters with match layers. Probably overkill but it gives me complete flexibilty. 1st floor HVAC alll unique from the 2nd floor HVAC. Everything in it's place.

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Scott and I do a lot of things the same, I use a template rather than the S.A.M. method as he does. Scott is  very fast and can deal with all that stuff. I am slowing down and don't want to deal with all that stuff. Scott also uses hotkeys and I don't b/c I'm can't remember all that, so I like toolbar icons.

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I was just wondering if there was a better way to select each item that goes on the reference Layer Set. 


So it sounds like you are searching for the best way to get objects on a discrete layer. Making friends with the Layer eyedropper/painter is probably the best. (Change the color of the new layer slightly to make sure that you have picked all the correct objects.)

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....One thing I am doing, right are wrong, is to make sure my annoset aatributes all have the correct setting s for CAD, Text, Callouts, etc. so when I am say on my 2nd floor framing annonset and want to create A CAD line it using a unique set of parameters with match layers. Probably overkill but it gives me complete flexibilty. 1st floor HVAC alll unique from the 2nd floor HVAC. Everything in it's place.

Not overkill at all and would advise setting up ALL of your Anno Sets just the way you want them and once they are done they will serve you far into the future.


Remember Anno/Layer Sets are plan specific so you either need to save them as a template (which most likely will be constantly changing as you refine your Anno/Layer Sets) or 'save as' the last plan you worked on to preserve your latest Anno Layer Set modifications.


If you've worked on your Anno/Layer Sets for a long time and have them dialed in a template will work great but if, like me, you are constantly changing Anno/Layer setting the save as method may work best.

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So it sounds like you are searching for the best way to get objects on a discrete layer. Making friends with the Layer eyedropper/painter is probably the best. (Change the color of the new layer slightly to make sure that you have picked all the correct objects.)

Never used the Layer eyedropper/a painter in 15 years of CA useage. May have to learn that rascal.

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Never used the Layer eyedropper/a painter in 15 years of CA useage. May have to learn that rascal.

 You will be kicking yourself for not having used it sooner. It works exactly like the Material Painter, except that it paints Layers. I use it all the time for creating demo plans. You can create a demo layer with a dashed line type, and change every object (including walls/doors/windows) that will be demo'd to that layer.

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It does make for a large number of choices but in the end I too think it will be worth the work. Most plans have similar uniquely configured so it makes perfect sense to have common attributes. Some subscribe to a much simpler method but I can't wrap my head around it.

DSH has some early X4 videos on Annosets on

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