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Everything posted by mrscott
Getting selection of items on locked and hidden layer
mrscott replied to MarkMc's topic in General Q & A
Ahh.. and the saga continues... -
I think they've fixed floor and ceiling elevations.
mrscott replied to Richard_Morrison's topic in General Q & A
Hey Richard, As I finish up what I hope will be my last plan in Chief, I ran into the same height adjustment issues. The engineering shifted to 24" Open Web Trusses (OWT). After adjusting the Floor Structure in Defaults, deleted the 18" trusses, I re-drew the new trusses. All data was correct but the trusses did not draw as 24". A few Floor beams I added were correct, which clued me in on the error, but it was not until I reached out the Michael Pache was the problem solved. He suggested showing the floor structure as I-Joist and then when all is fine, delete the i-Joist and manually draw the OWT. The floor above is not the same footprint of the floor below and due to the 30' open span below, the Trusses will be applied to the entire floor structure. In addition to the above I still run into, IMHO, far too many little quirks that still rear their ugly head. I applaud all the dedicated Chief loyalist who have managed, good or bad, a method to working through these issues. What would be helpful, but unlikely, is a video step x step process of how to manage changes in Chief. Every Architect makes changes and no matter how well you do on the initial pass, when changes wreak havoc on the plan. All that being said, the fact that ROOMS still control far too much. Why not use Stories Like all the MAJOR Architectural Programs do. -
Thanks RR. It totally unlike me to go off the deep end. Just goes to show how bad it can be when one feels helpless and ignored. My apologies to all of you good people. The fact so many commented some positive and some negative goes to show how much You care and relate. As I said, I don’t hate the program. I just wish I knew then what I know now what Options I have and would’nt even be here. Chief has some pretty nice features it’s just too bad it’s not as complete as others so I’m off to new platform. If anyone is interested in what I am seeing that is not here. Drop me a private msg and I can arrange to send you a video that will blow your minds. Whether you have 1 or as Perry said 4000+ plans, you don’t know what you’re missing. cheers and success to all!
Why am I not suprised by this? Opening a X10 file I have been working on for a week now. An ESOP with the same problems I have been having since Day 1 of using Chief (And you wonder why I think Chief is Crap compared to ArchiCAD). I am only posting this for the benefit of the wonderful friends I have met over the years who have chosen to fight it out and deal with the BS at Chief. ASSERTION ERROR - (I.E. BUGS, BUGS, BUGS, AND MORE BUGS) "HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO BET CHIEF SAYS..."I'M SORRY BUT WE ARE UNABLE TO REPRODUCE THIS ERROR IN OUR SYSTEM" BLA...BLA..BLA... Assertion failed: A serious error occurred. Do not save the file in its current state. If you want to try saving your work, use Save As to create a new file. Please restart the program and contact Technical Support. C:\p4sync\dev\Releases\20.2\chief\source\Edit\EditBehavior.cpp(841): Error #272000999 "A serious error occurred. Do not save the file in its current state. If you want to try saving your work, use Save As to create a new file. Please restart the program and contact Technical Support." 5/8/2018 6:54:31 AM Build: STEPS: Opened file. Open CAD Default Living space box BOOM! ERROR,ERROR,ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU CARE TO KNOW HOW MANY OTHER UNEXPLAINED CHIEF BUGS I HAVE ENCOUNTERED I WILL GLADLY SHARE A SCREEN SHOT OF MY SUPPORT FILE LIST. FUTURE USER OF CHIEF BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like there have been 5 updates since X10 went final release. I noticed on today's... 2 Update Notes 2.1 Electrical • Fixed a problem that could cause all electrical objects attached to walls to be removed from a plan when Undo was used after certain actions. 2.2 Roofs • Fixed a crash relating to frieze molding that occurred when some plans were opened. Although is good to know what is in the update vague notations such as "after certain actions." indicates they don't really know what caused the issue so, how can one know to test the update for problem resolution or what a user is doing that may have caused the issue to surface in the first place. I think I make a valid point here why? Well, Chief's tech support has stated on numerous occasions there are many ways to do things to achieve the desired results. What was reported that prompted Chief to delve into this particular issue that warranted a revisions? Many of you have beat me down and demoted my points (not really sure what the point of those things are in the first place but whatever) for be critical of Chief. Well, I have also stated, often in the same context, how good Chief is at many things, and it is good at many things, in fact it does many things beautifully! The only point(s) I am trying to make here is get the core features of the "Professional Version" of your product at least as solid as the competition first. The other bells and whistles will only add value to the rest. I will never completely abandon Chief, if not for the many things it does well, but for you guys, the great people I have come to know through the years. I have never been one to accept the status quo and have always kept my eye on what others programs are doing. If there appears, through exploration, to be a product that makes sense to me I will investigate. I could go on but I will leave you with this. When Chief gets the Stair Tool to a professional level of capability and does away with rooms that drive practically everything and moves to Story for levels for defining elevations, and does away with the separate LAYOUT and puts everything in one file like REVIT, ARCHICAD, VECTORWORKS, to name a few, then I can honestly support Chief as a Professional Architectural Design Software. P.S. I am more than happy to speak with anyone wishing to know more but not here. I am only trying to encourage Chief as a Company....Come on guys you're so close and believe you can do it. Pretty pictures, Elaborate libraries are nothing more than putting a very $5000 paint job on a dirt track bumper car. To the professional, this adds ZERO value when I need a solid can do it all software package to produce CONDOCs. The paint job is secondary. BTW..I wish there was a way to point at the Reputation button with Laughing icon. I really don't get where some of you are coming from. I don't hate Chief! I just wish they would fix the things that have been half baked for too long and stop pushing out new stuff for the sake of sales. I was a $450 a year SSA contributor for many years but that stopped this year and will not return and Chief gets it together. As for the reputation points. I wish I could remove them altogether. I could not care less what they are there for and feel sorry for those who do. So sad!
Jintu, From this post. I too was shocked to read it. Please tell me I miss Read it?
Graham, I respectfully disagree. If anything has a challenging "Learning Curve" it is Chief. I learned more from than anything else I have seen from the MFG. Frankly I am SICK of all the Marketing videos Chief is posting all over YouTube. If you want to see how easy it to use LUMION go to Lynda-dot-com and watch Brian Myers' Lumion Essential Training. Best 4:47 min I have spent on any training product. His courses in REVIT are some of the BEST in the industry, too. I know Jintu commented that Lumion may not be up with Chief now that Chief has PBR, and that has elevated the product, but there are still far too many issues with Chief that have steered me to seek other products. I only come here a post like this raises my BP. Like you, many have mastered Chief, but for me, I just cannot get my head around this vast number of issues (workarounds) required to accomplish the end result. I have posted videos from my YouTube channel but for some reason they get pulled or rejected. If you want more...call me. you know how to reach me. All the best,
Two scaleable, Stainable Oak Wood Floors for PBR
mrscott replied to Renerabbitt's topic in Symbols and Content
Yes Rene, outstanding! I love the lighter Oak look. Stunning job my Man! Thanks! -
3D Warehouse is an incredible Resource for Chief, Revit and ARCHICAD by Graphisoft. Oh, and for use with Sketchup too. I know you can create "Collections" there, but what I would really like to know, if any of you have figured this out, is how to extract individual objects from Chief's library and create an exportable collection of multi-platform objects. Chief has some pretty good stuff too but what a PITA to have to drag a single object to a blank plan, display it in a 3D Perspective Camera, and then export the model to SKP, 3DS, etc for use in other apps. The best solution I have found for LUMION 8 Pro is Collada.DAE. Thoughts anyone?
Well, if you have watched any of the promo videos of Chief X10 the lady narrating the videos is Carrie. She’s a very nice person and a dedicated Chief Employee. My disappointment is with Chief X10 as a “Professional” product. IMHO, this is subjective. If they would simply cease with further devopment and focus on producing a core product that can truly compete with REVIT, Archicad and Vectorworks they would have a “true” professional level program. Is Chief a nice package for doing many design elements easily that look great and comes with a lot of stuff at a reasonable price .... absolutely! My point is....it appears they have to potential to make a real impact in the professional world of Architeure if they would only stop chasing the fluff. Every package has it’s issues but the afformentionedbare used by the masses because do everything! So, does this new update addresss? Perhaps, but is only one of many. If want more of what I am pissed about call. I’d be happy to share it all.
So does this support the logic Carrie states that Chief is not a save as program? Start every plan with fresh new file scratch all should work just fine?
You're very welcome. Unlike CHIEF! Lumion is very intuitive. I believe the best way(s) of learning ANY software is to follow those who are willing to share their knowledge and experience. I get as much satisfaction in helping others as I do the money I make on projects, and sometimes more. DON'T MISS Chris Welton or Michael Brightman's work on YouTube. Unlike so many YouTube videos, they actually talk and explain what they are doing and why where many others, although nice work, speed through the process and play awful music in the process - I skip past those. The Lumion Staff on their site are incredibly responsive and actually provide help. Never do I get the DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS response saying...uh.."Send me a detailed explanation and steps to recreate" so they can submit it to vapor land never to be heard from again...or at least with a tangible solution. The upside...I don't hear about issues and have not had any myself so I guess that says something about the quality of the product they release. Drop a PM and I can send you direct links to my favorite sites and resources I've found so far. I think you will find them helpful as you set out on your journey through the incredible Real-Time 3D Virtual World creation tool called....LUMION!
David, Yes, Jintu is one of those rare few who doesn't boast about his work. He will help you if you ask. He is the single reason I purchased Lumion 8 Pro. He's a real gentleman! BTW, nice work on your image. I knew it was Lumion by the leaf cluster on the Driveway. I too am learning Lumion. The worst part is I don't have the time to dedicate to as the way I would like and really master the whole package. In addition to WATCH ALL of CWELTONDESIGN videos on YouTube I can, I have started playing around with the New Styles that came with the package. Take the Farnsworth House and save it as a Blank Scene and Delete the model. Now you can place your own model in and get a jump start. Make sure and place you model in the same location so the existing Photo and Movie setting (Focus) already configured will look fine - I'm still refining this approach.
Guys, Thank you for the overwhelming response. As of 2-20-2018 the need has been filled. Please do not reply any further. Thank you! ————————————————— I received a call from a local Structural Engineer in my area seeking someone to do his drawing work for him. Obviously you don't need to be in the local area just available to draw so visit my website and you will find my contact info there. Call me and I will fill you in with the details. My interest is simply to help a local business person (just like you and I help each other) get plugged into a resource he can contract for your services. I will put you in direct contact so you can work your own deal. Again, call me to discuss and I can forward to you examples and pricing so you can contact him directly well informed of his expectations. Thanks again,
Thanks Brian. Tell me...is there a "single PBR feature document" that explains how to configure the lighting and Camera settings so one can achieve the optimum PBR results? I know there are many ways but even one exterior night shot and one or two interior examples would get the majority of us headed down the correct path. Until I see something from Chief I have turned all the PBR stuff off, and if someone /clients ask I just tell them it's not ready yet. Why? Because I simply do not have the time or patience for this trial and error )*(&^!. Even with all the wonderful users here offering assistance. IMHO, Ray Tracing and now PBR, are far more difficult to use and configure that they should be. Maybe some of master them well more power to them. I see a lot Grand Standing and boasting but the real talent has shared their real-world methods but where is the developer? I have two killer systems that are screaming fast so even the slow Ray Trace Engine is bearable.I know there are help files and some marketing videos but how about a SINGLE direct set of examples? Honestly, for me the enjoyment of using and promoting Chief (especially after the past few months) has all but run it's course. Some days I feel using Chief is akin to being a kid at an Easter Egg Hunt. We're told the eggs out just go find them. We're shown pretty pictures and told about all the cool features but not one complete instructional example that will demonstrate the how and why to set things up. Sure, I should have check the Render Technique Options but again, I have been chasing my tail these past few months trying assess "is it something I am doing or not doing cause me pain or is it a bug?" that I have all but given up. I've been using Chief Premier everyday for the last two years, and according to some of my user friends here on this forum have pointed out, I know a lot more about it that many so I am no NEWBIE....I need a fresh start....
No I did no but out of shear and total Frustration with Chief I did a system restore. I am not update until my SSA expires in April. I would be bet you lunch they will have another update before then.
All, I updated last night to Final Release and opened a the plan I was working prior in the previous beta release. First thing I had to do was change the default PBR to Standard Camera Full Perspective Camera. Selected a Sky file backdrop image from the Lib. The Sky Backdrop selected does not display in actual camera view only color to use if no backdrop is selected. The backdrop displays in the Camera Settings DBX by not in the actual Camera view. Are others having this issue?
Jay, Nice video. Couple of points on the sample. I know you're in Lumion 6 and 8 has been updated with nice features worth the upgrade. I also have X10 (SSA is current) but for me the real difference in Lumion vs Chief is not so much the PBR element, Chief is getting better, it's Lumion is much easier to adjust everything in Real-Time vs Chief's still clunky trial and error lighting and texture settings adjustments. Couple of points with Textures in Lumion - I use PURE GLASS on windows as it is just that - Pure Glass and much more realistic. For the floors, I place a Reflection Plane down first, again much more realistic than adjusting Reflections alone, and then adjust the Bump Map settings. If that doesn't yield the result I want then I replace the material with one of Lumions 2, 4 or 8K materials and WOW! What a difference that makes. So, in summary, I am staying with X10 as I have too much invested in both time and plans, but am keeping my options open. Chief is still too limited or too difficult for me to achieve the results I seek. REVIT, on the other hand, is completely flexible and capable of doing everything I want to do AND it even allows me to place the model in Lumion and make adjustments to every aspect of the model in REAL-TIME so I can watch it unfold Lumion while I am building in REVIT. This, for me, is a real game changer but will take time to get comfortable enough to switch platforms completely. Chief vs, Lumion Chief is attempting to put everything in one package, and except for Animating Scenes with WX and Landscaping and Animated Entourage, they are getting close. Still too buggy and lacking in functionality (i,e, Stairs) Lumion is Far and Away more intuitive than Chief in all aspects of Texturing, Materials and Lighting. Add to that the animation capabilities. I am happy with my choices. Note: My comments are not meant to be entirely negative towards Chief. It's a great platform and value. It's all about choices and what one desires out of their tools. I prefer not to be a slave to my tools.
Awesome! Thank you. One other thing I have recently became aware of is making a symbol out of an existing model. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00344/modeling-a-subdivision-or-lot-with-multiple-structures.html This is especially valuable when modeling a scene in Lumion. Cheers!
Mark, Fantastic example! I started a plan in a that I want to do the same thing but don’t want to use Edit Area as I want it only for a mask to trace over and not have the old models layer sets. Would you apply your same approach to this sort of application?
It would be great if “those seeing success” would share their setup or if Chief would chime in with why your results are what they and others have no issues, we might all move beyond this “Easter Egg hunt”. I get trial and error makes for a better understanding of the program and Concepts but REALLY! Enough is enough already. Is it what companies want their customers to do and go through? I certainly hope not! Some folks are blessed with the talent to figure all this out, and more power to them! No one should ya e to be a slave to their tools but that sure seems to be what is happening here.