Bonus Room floor overview camera issue


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I have a bonus room above the garage. When I go to the floor overview camera it does not open the roof up. 

The roof stays in place so that the view of the bonus room is blocked. Is this normal? or is their something

else I need to do?

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You should probably post a picture of what you are seeing.


If you're looking at the second floor and the roof over your bonus room is on the first floor, it will show in your floor overview.  You might get what you want by either changing the roof planes to display on the floor above or by just turning off the roof layers in your floor overview.


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3 hours ago, Migaloo said:

I have a bonus room above the garage. When I go to the floor overview camera it does not open the roof up. 

The roof stays in place so that the view of the bonus room is blocked. Is this normal? or is their something

else I need to do?

Go to cross section slider ...


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Try posting the plan file so that others can try to find what you are actually seeing.  


Also it might be a good idea to post a screen shot of some of the views where you are trying to see the bonus room.

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