Solid Gray Wall Hatching


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Hey All! I have been revising my templates and trying to clean up how everything displays. I have been hunting the forums and cannot seem to find a solution to how I want my walls to display in floor plan views. 


I want to show the walls on my floor plans as a single solid gray hatch for its full thickness on the floor plan view. I also want to be able to show the wall with its layers on a second plan view for details. I've looking through all the tools with wall hatching and the layers, but I can't seem to figure out a system that works without changing the wall types themselves, which won't work on multiple plan views. 


Let me know what you guys think! I've seen some of your plans that accomplish this, any help is appreciated!

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Thank you! That looks to be the setting I was missing. That achieves the hatching look I am going for. I tabbed through those outline options but I can't seem to get my wall outline to show up at the same time. Tried enabling the separate layers on and off but it looks like the Poche is covering the edge lines.


Any solution to this?  Thank you again!


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