Mistakes in Wall types again and again


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I am working in X16 but I had the same problem in X15. I draw a house, with Exterior-6 walls for exterior walls.  Interior 4 and Interior 6 for interior walls.  I have hardi siding assigned as the  cladding of the exterior 6 walls and drywall for interior side. But CA  keeps putting the hardi on BOTH sides of the wall.  Now its putting hardi on both side of the interior 4 walls.  I don't know it until I look at a 3d or wall elevation.  I checked my defaults for walls and they show drywall on the interior of the exterior walls and drywall on both sides of an interior wall.  In the past the only way to fix it was to delete the wall and create a new wall but I am hitting my frustration limit over this now.  Please tell me I am doing something wrong and not that CA has a serious glitch.  


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The only time I've had unexpected wall material issues was user error, usually caused by using the material painter. If I had to bet I would say your drywall material got inadvertently sprayed with your siding material and the scoping for the material painter was set to plan or floor. It took me many years to quit using the material painter on walls and use the wall types or material regions to change up materials instead.

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I have seen CA do this unexpectedly, but only for an outside wall. I posted the issue last year. I did not do any wall spray painting. It seemed to occur under the condition of breaking an exterior wall, and then drawing in a new one. For instance, creating a bump in/out.


If you go to the materials on that wall you will likely see the errant material.  You can just remove it or set it to the default

I put in a request to CA that if they are going to change the material, to show a message box informing the user




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