Michael's Mailer: Tips, Tricks, Tutorials and Tools Email Subscription


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Hey All! 

I'm starting up a sort of old school style subscription based mailing list here where I'll be sending out weekly emails filled with a variety of goodies.  They'll be aimed more specifically at intermediate to advanced users but I'll be trying to include tidbits for beginners as well.  Those emails may include:

  • Answers to common questions
  • Answers to specific questions I see posted here on the forum that I think would benefit a lot of people
  • Solutions to various needs emailed over by subscribers
  • Power tips
  • Misc. tricks and hacks
  • Tutorials
  • Custom macros
  • Custom symbols
  • Example plans
  • In-depth insights into various Chief tools and settings
  • Advice/guidance on various supporting software
  • Workflow guidance
  • Links to other valuable content

  • Etc.
  • ....just whatever I think would be of service to the group but in manageable chunks



I've been using Chief since version X3, have 25 years or so of experience in the industry, and have a lot to share.  I've long wanted to find a suitable outlet to do so and decided a basic subscription based mailing list is where I would like to start.  If the mailing list gets to be large enough, I'll consider converting it over to another format and possibly expand on my offerings but for now, let's see how this goes.



Emails will be sent out at least once a week but may be published more frequently if I choose to do so at my own discretion.  If the scheduled publish date lands on a holiday or time when I'll be away from the office then I'll make up for that week on either the previous week or the following week.




Individual subscriptions*: 

Single email address only - $15 monthly or $150 yearly

*Please Note:  Individual subscriptions are intended for single user offices only.  If you have multiple seats of Chief Architect, please see Multi-user office rates below



Multi-user subscriptions**: 

2 email addresses -  $25 monthly or $250 yearly

3 email addresses - $30 monthly or $300 yearly

4-9 email addresses - Add $5 monthly or $50 yearly for each additional

10 or more email addresses - Email me at alaskansons@gmail.com for pricing

**Please Note:  Multi-user subscriptions are intended only for offices with multiple employees/multiple Chief Architect licenses



Content Creator subscriptions***: 

Single email address - $60 monthly or $600 yearly

2 or more email addresses - Add $15 monthly or $150 yearly for each additional

***Please Note:  Content Creator subscriptions are intended for any and all users creating Chief Architect related content or acting as Chief Architect trainers.



All monthly subscriptions will get a minimum of 4 emails





Just send payment either using Venmo® (@MABASC) or PayPal® (@AlaskanSons).  Please make sure to include a message with the phrase "Chief Mailer" along with your email address(es).  Please place administrator email at the top of the list.  Your subscription will be linked to the email address(es) in your message.  You can also email the requested information to me and I can send out a payment request link.



Email any questions over to alaskansons@gmail.com



A mailing list may be a bit off the beaten path and it may not be the most glamorous or cutting edge approach, but I think you'll be happy you signed up :)  Issue #7 is set to go out Friday, July 12th!! 



P.S. For those of you who already know me, know what I have to offer, or who have used my services or insights successfully in the past, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Please feel free to share your experiences below.  Thanks so much and look forward to talking to you again soon!

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Adding a unaffiliated and enthusiastic BUMP
Michael's understanding of this software is unparalleled, many of us regular visitors to the forum know him as one of the top technicians for macro scripting but his knowledge extends to the full breadth of what this software is capable of. He has always been generous with the information he shares on these forums and is very specific in the language he uses, specific and accurate terminology regarding Chief Architect, so that you can look up any information he shares with confidence. I would encourage all user's to check this post out, a subscription base would help grow his ability to share and influence the broader community and lift us all up.
Cheers Mike
chief architect premiere x16, macros for chief architect, chief architect tutor, chief architect training, chief architect events, chief architect news, chief architect roof tutorial, chief architect split levels, chief architect terrain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/31/2024 at 6:35 PM, QualicoreHomes said:

I got the first email and I think it is great.  Clear valuable instructions and I'm happy I signed up.  I think this will be a great way to learn more about (or different approaches to) the program on a weekly basis.  Thanks for starting this Michael!!


I agree, good stuff!

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Michael's macros are top of the line.  Very clean and straight forward to implement.  You won't go wrong using these macros that Michael produces.  I use several of Michael's macros in my plans and never have ran into a problem with them.  I have already implemented the macros in his mailers and it is already made large improvements to my template.

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  • 1 month later...

I've benefited greatly already from Michael's talent and services. I just signed up and am looking forward to what he has to offer.


I know users are using a number of macros to automate their processes, and Michael has already automated things for me that I could think of, but I know there is more that can be done to help my work flow.


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  • 5 months later...

I wanted to give an update on Michaels Subscription. There is a lot of info about Macros that Michael teaches which I would like to get into sometime, but he also includes a lot of little "tidbits", advanced symbol manipulation (very cool) and many other things I just never knew about. Includes a number of How To videos as well.


I started with Chief with X12 and I do very well, designing more than 120 new and remodel plans each year. And yet I continue to find these little gems that help me fine tune and speed up my process. One of the things I wanted for a long time, and now with X16, you can set up an Area Schedule without Macros. Michael shows some examples of how to do this. I have since added some new room names and again dialing in these things that just make my plans look more professional. This alone was more than worth the subscription fee.


I have a number of these Schedules setup for different structures in a CAD Detail...



And my Layout looks at this CAD Detail, and then I can pan to the one I want to use depending on the structure. 




(If you know of others ways to do this, please post those ideas in the Tips & Techniques forum. This forum is for Michaels Email Subscription. Thank you) 


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