What would cause the top plate on two walls in the same room be at different heights?


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I wouldn't suspect the wall types to be the problem, and potentially nothing else with the walls themselves, since wall height is set and controlled by the rooms they define I'd look there. But those rooms you opened looked the same at quick glance. Will probably need some hands-on exploration. Post the plan so we can dig!

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I had a very similar experience! It was a two story plan and I could not change ceiling heights in some of the lower rooms below because the upper floor had varying ceilings heights (like your video shows.) I don't know if this will help in your case, but try setting all the rooms rough ceiling heights to 97-1/8". Also be sure to check the double walled areas that may create a room.

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Room definition on the 2nd floor can often be the culprit. 


If there may be a 2nd floor space which is driving down the height of first floor walls...


Check the 2nd floor structure tab and see if the floor system is going by the floor default. 


Example 2 x 10's vs 2 x 12's will force the 1st floor to have a lower top plate. 


Your project appears to be a one story home however. 



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