How to draw a flat-hip combined ceiling like this?


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Hello all,

I need to draw the room ceiling that is flat in the middle but sloped on two side-wall, like in the pic below. (It is a tudor house)

How do I do that?? I looked at all options for wall/room but didn't find anything obvious. I am using X15 on windows.






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Make sure "flat ceiling" is checked in the structure tab of the room dialogue box.  


there's nothing special to do.  


The roof is cutting the ceiling because the fascia is lower than the ceiling.


if you want the ceiling to follow the slope of the roof then just uncheck "flat ceiling".

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With auto-roofs on this is a problem.  I set those rooms to the lowest height I want, typically 4' 1-1/2", no flat ceilings, draw everything the way you want it, then turn auto roofs off.  Then raise those room ceiling heights to 8' (or whatever you are wanting to use for the flat height) and Chief will redraw the room with the  slopes. that match your sketch.  They will even show a solid dotted line where the slope changes to flat.



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